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"Kiara no!" The princess shouted the loudest she had ever shouted before.

However, that didn't seem to stop the maid from witnessing a sight she never thought she would ever see before. Kiaras face read it all, as not only was it mixed with shock and amazement but then confusion as well.

In front of her laid the princess on the floor, in nothing but a button-down shirt she guessed was JJ's. Her best friend's legs were wrapped in blankets as she laid on her stomach obviously still reaching toward the door as her chest heaved up and down.

Then there was JJ on the bed... Hence that was the most shocking part. There were no blankets to block him so he was there sitting in shock in nothing but his boxers. His hair was sticking up in every which direction as he tried to avoid her gaze.

"What the... What..." Kiara never finished her sentence as no words would form in her throat. She thought she knew her best friend well but obviously not well enough. Sure she teased Y/N about him all the time but the princess would never do anything like this- well at least that's what she thought before.

"I should go..." JJ whispered never meeting their eyes as she pulled on some clothes awkwardly.

"No! You don't get to leave Y/N alone you-"

"Kie... Kie stop," The princess ordered standing to her feet. "This was all me alright," The blonde-haired knight gave Y/N a sorrowful look as they glanced at one another before he left out the door.

"What the hell Y/N I thought we told each other everything... I trusted you,"

"We still do! This just happened!" The princess tried to reassure though it didn't end up going all too well.

"So this is the first time?" Her best friend looked relieved as it broke Y/N's heart to have to counteract her words.

"Well no but-"

"How long?"

"A little over a week-"

"Y/N how could you not tell me? I thought that we were best friends? I tell you everything and get you in the loop on castle drama and you can't even let me in on your love life,"

"It happened so quickly I guess I just forgot... I'm sorry Kiara I really am please you have to forgive me I don't know what I would do without you I'm just terrified because this has never happened to be before and-" Suddenly before the princess could even finish her sentence Kiara was embracing her tightly.

"I can cover for you... Tell you if anyone is close to suspecting a thing," Her maid reassured into her shoulder as Y/N buried her face into her shoulder as well.

"You're not angry with me?"

"I'm shocked that little miss Y/N sweet and innocent little girl would do such a thing against the rules, I'm relieved and also disappointed that you didn't tell me,"

"I'm so sorry from now on I'm going to tell you everything," Y/N reassured, causing both girls to break into a smile.

"Outstanding," The maid cheered through a grin. "I need constant updates obviously because if he breaks your heart I'm going to have to break his face,"

"I don't think that'll happen..."

"You never know... Although the two of you would look adorable together-"

"See this is the reason why I didn't tell you yet," Y/N explained through a smirk as Kiara only glared her way causing both of them to burst into giggles.

"Although I'm still a little sad..." Kiara mumbled a frown making way across her face.

"Kiara I'm so sorry... You're my best friend and I don't know what I would do without you I was just trying to keep it from the world because this is the first nice thing to happen to me in a long time and I-"

"I forgive you," Her best friend reassured her by placing a hand on her shoulder and stopping her ranting. "I was talking about how JJ is one fine looking knight and that now that you snatched him up I can't,"

"Ha!" Y/N exclaimed through a laugh causing Kiara to groan.

"Ha yourself because we have to get you in a dress right now for-" And that's when another groan sounded in the room followed by laughs.

After Y/N was all dressed and perfect Kiara left. The princess read a little bit of her book though it was mostly a time for her to think about what the hell had just happened that morning. Though it didn't do her much good as all it did was cause more stress and anxiety to pop into her mind.

"Hello there," Y/N whispered, poking JJ's sides from behind as she scared him from behind causing him to leap out of his skin.

"Good Morning princess," He smiled as she only laughed. "Is everything alright with Kiara now... Because I really don't want her to kick my ass,"

"Don't worry she's my best friend her lips are sealed," Y/N reassured through a wide grin. "After all we both agreed that you're too pretty for kicking,"

"Handsome," He corrected causing her to laugh.

After that, the day went by in minutes, as Y/N felt as though once she finally got to be with the blue-eyed knight that it wasn't even enough time. The days and then weeks, and then the month passed in pure bliss.

Sometimes they would have to hide in closets and guest rooms until the ghost was clear, Kiara making up many excuses for them. Also telling them much needed details about who was close to figuring out their relationship.

One time JJ had Y/N pinned up against the palace wall as she giggled. He was kissing her hard across the lips until they heard someone coming down a nearby hallway. JJ had to shield Y/N with his body and pray to the lords that they didn't look behind them and sure enough the maid didn't... The ghost was clear though it seemed to be yet another gentle reminder of the risks this held.

Some nights the Knight and the princess would sleep by the fireplace in Y/N's room to keep warm. Other nights they would fall asleep outside and the knight would always have to find a way to sneak them in. Most of the time they looked at the moon or the stars. Some had midnight picnics or stared at the flowers.

Though there always were those unusual days... JJ and Y/N would swim in the ocean. It was tricky not to be loud and not to be seen. Though luckily there were so many trees and the garden was so large that wasn't usually a problem. Once they tried to surf... JJ teaches Y/N because apparently he could when he was younger.

They would kiss, in the garden, in the water, by the fire, in bed, in the closet, in the hallway, in the kitchen, in the bushes... Anywhere they wanted to, anywhere they could. Though most of their relationship was love-filled moments and getting to know each other some of it was heated make-out sessions.

It was the best month of Y/N's life, as every night whether it be in JJ's arms or in her sheets that still smelled of him she felt content with her life... Something that she rarely ever felt before. And of course, that feeling of content can vanish as fast as it had arrived. 

ʜᴏᴛ sᴜᴍᴍᴇʀ ɴɪɢʜᴛs 🔥 (JJ X READER)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon