Letter Number One

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I stared at the old house, that my parents abandoned me at. 

"Mama?" an eight year old Celosia asked, tugging her mother's hand. The mother ripped her hand her child's grip and proceeded to ignore her. Celosia had become accustomed to this behavior; instead of crying she simply turned to her father.


"Yes Celosia?"

"Why are we here? Who lives here?" Celosia asked, staring at her father with big eyes.

"You'll be staying with our friends, so behave." Her father told emotionless.

"Your leaving me?"

"You made our son leave." Celosia's mother sneered.


"Ah, ya'll made it." a smiling woman said from the door; two children, one blond, and the other a brunette staring from behind the women's dress.

"That one is Sang, and this one is Marie."

"Thank you so much Carol, your an angel." Celosia's parents said in unison.

"Of course, I owe you two. Gray helped me back in college, and you Indi are my best friend."

"Now, now Carol. Don't flatter us." Indi said with a carefree smile, which soon turned sinister.

"We need to go, can we talk to you without the kids?"

"Yea. Sang, Marie? Show Celosia around please, and thank you." The two children grabbed Celosia's hand dragging her inside, as she fought to break free.

"No, your not leaving me." Celosia cried, falling to the floor, as the doors closed, barricading her inside. 

"Celosia! Honey? The movers are done, they're waiting for us to leave. Say goodbye quickly, honey. We don't want to be late." The monster told me in a sugarcoated voice and fake smile. 

Of course mother, my apologies." I told her with the same tone and expression. Today's the day. Goodbye Illinois, and hello South Carolina.

 Mother, Marie, and Sang we're going together in the car, while father and I would follow, closely behind, with the truck. I hopped into the truck and placed my small back bag into my lap.

"Hello Celosia. I'm sorry about what my wife did to you."

"It's fine Mr. Sorenson." It's not, but It's whatever.

"It's not. I promised your Dad I would keep you safe. I've failed multiple times, I'm sorry." He's just like you. He lets his wife do everything, and feels guilty afterwards.

"Just wait until your 16th birthday; I'm going to get you emancipated. And no I can't get the girls emancipated too. You know Sang's identity problem, and Marie's fine." Shit, forgot about that issue, and he's right about Marie...

"Your dad left 300k-for you. I'll find an apartment for you and pay the legal fees for your emancipation, after that-"

"Your going to give me the money, and keep me away from our-sorry,  your family."

"Smart girl. I'm sure your still worried about the girls, but don't be.  I struck a deal with my wife, I'm sure you'll be okay with it-if not I'll get it changed." 

"Okay, what's the deal?" 

"Marie and Sang will no longer be punished. They will also be able to go in and out of the house as they please." No, way! That's too good to be true. What's the catch?

"She won't care about them, as long as she gets to punish you." So, like usual.

"How do I know she'll keep her end of the deal?"

"She has to, otherwise an in home nurse will come over." Ah, so she won't have a chance to strike back.

"Okay, deal." I said. The words echoed in the air, as our conversation came to an end. I took this chance to look at the letters from yesterday.


Dear my Little Jumper,

Your smile on the first day of freshman year was full of mischief, sadness, and hope. I didn't know what you hoped for, but the more time we spent; I saw the flinches, I saw the pain in your eyes, but along with the pain I saw your fire. I  wanted to help you, so I made you do more drills, more team outings -anything to get you out of  your house. I couldn't get you more help, as I need to be staying low. I ran away from an organization called The Academy, more specifically my team. I fell in love, and lost my child. It wasn't anyone's fault, but I no longer want to be around them. They bring back too many memories, memories I wish to forget.

 Moving on, The Academy is full of wonderful people. I'm telling you this so that you can get help from them, if and when you need it. They have a headquarters in Charleston, South Carolina. Talk to Doc. Roberts and say halfpace. He owes me a favor, and won't tell my team. I would have called him, but my team is smart, very smart. This is the only way I can help. Talk to him, he's someone I trust with my whole heart. I must warn you though, the more you get involved into The Academy, the more it'll cost you. Nothing is given for free in The Academy-nothing. Burn this letter, remember the information. Your're a smart girl, I'm going to miss you. You became the daughter I lost.  I knew, from the moment we locked eyes, I needed you to be my jumper. You were going to soar, and you did; the day you practiced with Marie and Sang; I didn't leave. Instead, I watched, and saw you jump. Your soared, my girl. Congratulations!

(P.S. make sure you join a team at school, and don't mention anything about me to Doc. Roberts or anyone else.  Just say the word and ask for help in one situation as I only have one favor; an example is your home life. If you ask for more help, you will be in their debts, be careful.)


Aww, Coach Tor. You've done more than anyone else has for me, you basically were my mother. You helped me with my problems, hair, injuries, and encouraged me. You got me out of my house, which means you got me out of many punishments.  Thank you for that Coach Tor! Also why the fuck does this letter how to be so puzzling. It explains everything, but nothing. Why halfpace? Like what type of code is that? It literally relates to the floor. And what the fuck is The Academy, why is it such a big secret? What's so good about it? What's the true cost? How did you get involved?

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