Chapter 19

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Amy was now at the police station, Sonic was sitting beside her. Rubbing her back in a circular motion; comforting her as much as he could. He gave her a blanket and a cup of her favorite tea. Amy hasn't spoken or move much since they found her. The station had been informed of seeing Shadow on his motorcycle with a pink hedgehog. They knew straight away it was Amy. Sonic was the first to find her; standing in the middle of Olivine play park. She didn't say anything. Just stared into the nothingness. It worries Sonic: Did Shadow do something to her? Did he cut out Amy's tongue? These speculations angered him. The thought of Shadow hurting his girlfriend... if he could he'd beat up that bastard. Unfortunately, Shadow got away. Maybe Amy knows his location. "Amy, can you please talk to me?" Amy slowly nods, still staring at the ground. At least he was getting somewhere with her. She could be in shock. Sonic takes the pen and pad from the table. Ready to write down any information Amy has. "Okay, Amy, do you have any information on where his location may be?"

Amy was hesitant to answer; it's not like she had any good info anyway. She barely saw the outside of the building she was captive in. Then again, she felt an odd amount of guilt in her. She feels awful to tell him anything about Shadow; but why? "W-Well... I remember going out of, what I think, was the house to smell the wildlife." Amy's voice was low, but Sonic was able to still hear her. He nods as he writes down what she had said. It may not of been much, but from what she said about 'the wildlife' does narrow it down. Shadow could be living in the far forests from town. "Alright, he could be hiding out in a forest then." Sonic looks up from his notepad. "Ames..?" The pink hedgehog gradually glances up to her boyfriend. "Did Shadow, do anything to you?" "W-what!? No he didn't!" Sonic doubts her answer. He gives her a serious look. "Then why are your wrists in bandages?" Amy looks at her wrists, being reminded of the reason why they were there. "That was my fault! I was tied to a chair and I tried using a knife to get out. When I was cutting the rope, I accidentally caught my wrists with the blade. Shadow caught me and aided me." Amy explains, she wanted to defend Shadow. He did help her after all; he could've just let her bleed out. But he helped her instead. Sonic was taken aback by this at first. But then again, he knows Shadow wouldn't kill someone that's for ransom. It would be very stupid of him to do so. Especially when it was his girlfriend. "O-ok then..moving on." Sonic was just defecting this. Amy pouts, "S-Sonic, please, can we not do this now? I just want to go home and rest." Sonic raises an eyebrow. "Sorry Ames, but we need to know everything you know. Just answer the questions then we can go home." Amy only nods, holding the blanket much tighter than before.


Amy grunts as she closes the interrogation room door behind her. Her eyes dart to the wall clock on her left side. She has been in that room for over an hour. A yawn leaves her mouth. God she's exhausted; all of those questions puzzled her mind. Amy wasn't sure if she actually answered  the questions truthfully. She just wanted to leave, to think through her feelings for Shadow. Ever since she learned more about the criminal, she felt some sympathy for the guy. But just because he had a bad upbringing, doesn't mean she should condone his crimes. Now that she thinks about it; how did he actually get into crime? She recalls him getting in trouble with a gang, escaping the thugs then...then what? What happened after that? The pink hedgehog sighs, as she walks down the left hallway. Seeing some police officers take odd glances at her. For now she'll wait for Sonic in his car. However, she stops in her tracks. Once her eyes land on a red Echidna. Her pupils dilate in excitement. She may be able see Shadow again if Knuckles helps her!

"H-hey! Knuckles!" She begins to jog over to him whilst waving. He quickly notices her coming his way. His eyes widen in shock: did Sonic already pay the ransom? Did she tell Sonic about Shadow and him working together? Shit. That'll ruin him. Knuckles waves an officer, which he was speaking to, away. If she rad him out then he'll have to run out of the place. "Yeah Amy? Is something wrong?" He tried to stay as professional as he could. Hiding how much he was freaking out. "Kinda." She looks left then right, checking if anyone was listening in. "I want to talk about-" She pauses to lean forward. Her mouth much closer to Knuckles' ear. "-Shadow. I want to see him." Amy whispers. It was unbelievable to Knuckles. How come she wants to see him? Knuckles grabs her forearms to pull her away. So he could face her with confusion. "W-what the fuck Amy?" He half shouts and whispers. "That's ridiculous." Amy can agree with that. She knows what she is requesting is stupid. Nevertheless, she still wants to do it. Amy wants to learn more about Shadow: more of his family life, that Maria girl, how he actually got into the crime business. "I know that but... please Knuckles. I just want to at least talk with him. Can you please contact him?" She pleads. Knuckles lets go of Amy, taking a moment to think.

He groans in defeat. Before leaning down to whisper into her ear, "I'll call him and talk about it. I'll call you at 1 AM to tell you what's happening." Knuckles explains, then he walks away to his desk. Amy begins to form a smile, mouthing a thank you to the Echidna. She suddenly feels a hand on her shoulder. She swiftly turns in surprise to see her boyfriend. "Oh. Sorry if I scared ya babe." Sonic apologizes, raising his hands in the air. Amy shakes her head, "No no, it's fine! Can we just go home now?" Sonic nods with a warm smile. Taking a hold of her right hand, "Yes we can now." They begin to walk towards the entrance. "Maybe we can get some takeaway?" Amy grins; she was starving! "If it's pizza then yes." Sonic lets out a small chuckle; opening the front door for Amy. They both leave the station then get into Sonic's blue sports car. Once both close the car doors, Sonic leans over to kiss Amy's cheek. Causing her to blush in surprise. Sonic wasn't that much into PDA; unlike Amy. "Ames...I'm sorry." "For what?" Amy tilts her head. "For not saving you sooner." He faces away from the pink hedgehog. Now staring in front of him, staring his cars ignition. "It was idiotic of me to waste all that time getting the money. I should've looked harder; I ran all the city and I still couldn't find you. It's just-" Amy places her hand on his thigh, making him gaze into her eyes. That showed condolence and sympathy for him. "Sonic, please there's no need to apologize. What matters is that I'm here now. There's no need to be moping around! Be happy I'm here now!" She encourages. She doesn't want Sonic unhappy over this. Especially when she is thinking through things herself. Sonic would notice that for sure if he wasn't his happy and overconfident self. Sonic slowly smiles from her words, "T-thanks Ames. I love you." He leans over to kiss her cheek again. Amy smiles back. "I-I love you too."

She wasn't sure if that was true anymore...

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