Chapter 3

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Shadow repeatedly taps his right foot onto the floor. Waiting impatiently for his right hand man. 'What's taking him so long?'  The irritated hedgehog thought. Staring down at his phone, trying to find anything to distract him. Or at least calm down his anxiety. He always hated when people were late, it would worry him that they'd never come. Making him to look like a fool. Scrolling through Instagram, he stops searching when he eyes caught an orange rabbit; Cream. Remembering that she was a friend of Amy's, maybe he could learn more about the girl. She certainly has caught his interest. He click onto the rabbit's profile, going through her friend list. Quickly finding the pink hedgehog's profile. He goes through her photos and clicks onto one with only her: Wearing a long white dress with her hair in a ponytail. A small smile forms onto the brooding man. Seeing the girl's beautiful smile... just made his day. It reminded him so much of- "Hey boss!"

Shadow head goes straight up to his door. Which was now wide open, Scourge rushing into the office. Running in front of Shadow's desk, resting his hand on its surface. Breathing heavily "S..sorry I'm.. L-late." he had ran all the way here. Shadow place his phone back into his pants pocket, keeping a straight face. Hiding his startled expression from Scourge's sudden entrance. "You better have a good reason." He spits, before raising an eyebrow in question. "Y-yeah I do! Just had to get some new info on that blue bastard." Shadow leans backwards into his chair. Scourge slouches down on one of the red chairs. Taking out his phone, clicking on a document named 'Framing material/secret info'. It had people's names first in bold then their information Scourge had collected. "Right this is what I have:

Sonic once beat up a citizen who he thought was with us. He assaulted an innocent civilian so we may be able to spin that.

Stole money from his work to try and track you down.

Tampered with police files to found a man guilty in court.

And that's mostly it." Shadow tilts his head. "That's it? Well I guess we can use the third one but..." He pauses trying to think of a better plan. To him these seem to be weak blackmail. "Well I do have another idea." Scourge assures, Shadow raises an eyebrow once more at the green hedgehog. "Oh do you now? Spit it out then." He scoffs at his boss' attitude. "Whilst looking up some info on Sonic, I noticed a little cutie he's dating." Shadow glances to the side, thinking for a moment. "So?" "So we can kidnap her and make a ransom on her!" Scourge explains with a confident expression. "I guess that could work... Who is this little cutie?" Shadow asks, raising his fingers to put little cutie in quotes. Scourge chuckles as he clicks away on his phone. Bringing up a picture of her; emerald eyes, pink fur and a red dress. Shadow's eyes widen; it was her. The girl he met in the game store.

Shadow began to wonder on why such a beautiful girl like her was dating his enemy. Someone who seems to be: so innocent, so kind, so much like- "Hey boss!!" A voice shouts, breaking Shadow from his gaze at the photo. Scourge smirks, pulling his phone back into his pocket, "Damn~ I know she's cute but you don't have to blush over her." He teases, making Shadow realizes that his cheeks are now red. He growls at the hedgehog's cocky smirk. Now standing up to slam his fist onto the table. For Scourge to stare up at Shadow in fear. "Do something useful for once and find out where that girlfriend of his lives!" Scourge immediately gets up and runs out of the room. Once there was silence in the office, Shadow sighs and steps in front of his large custom window (Which was behind his desk) with the blinders close. He places his fingers in-between them to open it. Eyeing through to see the inside of his club: The lights bright, a large crowd dancing the night away, the DJ taking a break and the hired dancers on tables.

'I must protect that pink hedgehog.'

Shadamy- In love with my prisonerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon