Chapter 15

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Faith knocked on Kevin's door and the second it opened she ran threw.

"Did you all know?! Were you all in on it!?" Faith said.

"Honey calm down," Danielle said, going to hug her sister.

"What happened in there?" Kevin asked, joining the hug.

"So you did know," Faith said and started to sob.

"Faith seriously what happened?" Kevin asked. He knew she was with Joe of course but he didn't expect her to be this upset.

"He yelled, I yelled back, he told me everything, I promised to try but-," Faith said through sobs.

"Oh sweetie," Danielle said, wiping Faith's tears. Danielle guided Faith to the couch in their room and Kevin held Faith in his lap and Danielle held on tight to Faith's hands. "He needed you to talk to him and he didn't think he had any other choice."

"You got Nick really excited about having the family all back together and happy. Maybe he took it too far but also if this helps you two, even just a little bit, maybe it was just enough," Kevin said.

Faith took a deep breath before continuing, "I know that the three of you spent a week in Australia for the documentary with no bullcrap and whatever but that's not me. I can't just get locked in a room and then make everything better and I don't feel like you or Nick or Joe respect that. They hurt me, you hurt me, and it's not the same as the hurt you three put each other through. I was 9, I didn't know what happened or what I did wrong and..." Faith couldn't finish her thought because the sobs that racked her body were too much for her to handle.

Kevin and Danielle were shocked at everything that was happening to they're little sister. Alena came into the room and saw that Faith was crying so she weaved her way into her auntie's lap and snuggled close to her.

"Don't be sad Auntie Faithie. I love you lots," Alena said.

Faith let out a sniffled laugh and squeezed the little girl tightly in her arms.

"Love you too sweetie, don't worry about me. I'm alright," Faith said. Valentina called for her sister to come back and play. Alena looked to Faith to make sure one last time to make sure she was ok before going back to her sister. Faith nodded her away and Alena left.

"Are you going to be ok hunny?" Dani asked.

"I think so, this was just a lot for my first day," Faith said.

"Sorry," Kevin said.

There was a knock on the door and Sophie poked her head in.

"I was told I could find you in here Faithie," Sophie said.

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Can I take you out for a little bit? I think we need some sister time."

Faith nodded and joined Sophie at the door. 

The two walked out of the hotel and made their way through the busy street only having to stop a couple of times for pictures and autographs before finding a hole in the wall coffee shop and walking inside. When they sat down with their drinks Sophie reached over and gave Faith's hand a reassuring squeeze.

"Do you remember when we first met?" Sophie asked.

"Yeah, Dani took us all out on a girl's day," Faith smiled.

Sophie hummed in agreement, "I'd you know that Joe planned 4 family get-togethers for us to meet before Dani had to plan that girl's night so you would actually show up?"

"N-no, I didn't know. Well I mean I probably knew about the dinners and made other plans or stayed in my room but I didn't know they were to meet you," Faith said looking down at her cup.

"When Joe and I first met he would talk about his siblings and I always felt like he was leaving something out. I could just tell by the way he would pause awkwardly during stories or there would be times when he would just get sad for no reason when we would talk about his whole family and I would only talk about his brothers. So I asked him about it one time and he told me about you and I didn't believe him so he invited me to dinner at his house with the whole family, including you. Then you didn't show up and he laughed it off and said that you were shy but you were real. So we tried again and again until Joe got really mad that you kept avoiding it. He talked in the kitchen with your parents for a long time that day and ended up leaving for awhile out of frustration. The 4th time we had dinner with everyone and you still weren't there Joe actually broke down and cried."

"Sophie, did Joe really cry about the fact that I didn't come to those dinners?"

"Yeah he did, he cries a lot when he talks about you. Faith, love, I don't think you realized that all the times that you felt like they were shutting you out you were shutting them out too," Sophie said.

Faith was quiet for a moment thinking about what Sophie had just said. After spending all the time with Nick the two of them talked about it but it never really clicked until right now.

"I thought that they didn't care," Faith said.

"They loved you so much Faith, of course they cared," Sophie said.

"What do I do now?" Faith asked.

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