Chapter 1

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~from the perspective of watching a youtube video~

"Hey, guys welcome back to my channel. I have a pretty serious topic to talk about today so let's just get right into it.

"As you guys know, I started this channel to document my college experience. I thought it would be a fun thing to do, so I did it. I made it a point to never share my personal information or anything about my family. Sharing my family life was literally the last thing I wanted to do but here I am, making the one video I swore to never make.

"In the last video a posted there was a part where I cried in the library, stressing about an assignment, and I left it in. I always want to share moments like that so people know that they are not alone in the stress of college, so I posted it and didn't think twice. But in the comments of that video, Nick Jonas, of the Jonas Brothers commented this

~comment appears on the screen saying 'Keep your head up xx'~

"I quickly went to delete it but not before a lot of people had already seen it, screenshotted it, and were talking about it on social media. The over hanging question was why on earth did Nick Jonas comment on this girl's youtube video, the even bigger question was why did I delete the comment.

~screen goes black then comes back in~

"Hi, my name is Faith Hope Jonas. My parents are Denise and Kevin Jonas Senior and my brothers are Frankie, Kevin, Joe, and Nick Jonas. That comment was my brother reaching out to me and I deleted because no one was supposed to know he was my brother.

"First off, before you all go off in the comments and say that I'm lying, here are some family pictures and home videos to prove it.

~Videos and pictures of Faith with her parents and brothers appear on the screen and while most of them were from childhood there were some from the present like her and Nick's wedding and Kevin's wedding and other more recent things~

"Now, let me explain why no one knew I existed.

"My older brothers Nick, Joe, and Kevin became the band 'Jonas Brothers' when my twin brother Frankie and I were only five years old. We didn't see them much because we stayed home with my mom while my dad and them traveled. We wouldn't see them for 3, sometimes 5, month periods, and then in 2007 they got picked up by Disney and we had to pick up and move from New Jersey to California.

"I was really resentful toward my older brothers for making us leave our friends and community, so in 2009 when Disney wanted to have 'the little Jonas's' in Camp Rock 2 to 'make the Jonas Brothers more relatable' I refused to do it. I said that if I was going to be famous I was going to do it myself, and I sure as hell didn't want to be famous at 9 years old. My brothers and parents were pretty disappointed but let it go and Frankie did the movie got all this attention and then there was this famous interview that I'm sure die-hard Jonas Brothers fans will remember.

~Video of a red carpet interview of the Camp Rock 2 release pops up on the screen with the Jonas Brothers and little Frankie Jonas. The interviewer asks if they had any other siblings hiding up their sleeves and they, in turn, answer no~

"So obviously, when this interview happened it had already been discussed that they were not to mention me. One, because I asked them not too and two, Disney would look foolish if they had only put one sibling in the movie and not the other.

"I stayed under wraps, I attended public school as Faith Hope and lived my life. If I'm being perfectly honest with you I didn't see my older brothers at all. They were always on tour or at their own houses and when they were at our house, I stayed in my room. I hated them for being famous because being famous was all they ever cared about. We couldn't have a nice dinner as a family without a tour, album, tv deal, or interview coming up in the conversation. The only people who knew about me outside of my family are my sister-in-law and anyone my brothers dated before they got married, a couple of my really good best friends, and my older brother's management teams.

"Jumping forward to last year, when I decided that I was going to make this Youtube channel, my brothers said 'Are you finally going to tell everyone you're our sister?' And like always, I told them no. I've said from day one that if I was going to be famous I was going to do it by myself and on my own terms. I made all of my family make private youtube accounts under different names if they were going to watch my videos and like or comment on them and of course they had to break that rule and now we are here. Me making a video about how I am the OG Jonas Sister.

~Faith puts her head in her hands and sighs. She rubs her eyes and looks back at the camera with tears in her eyes~

"Well I was going to do a little Q&A, but I don't think I'm going to make it that far.

~Faith blows air from her lips and walks out of the camera frame. It cuts back to Faith sitting in front of the camera again with her cheeks splocky but a smile on her face~

"So we will do a Q&A in the next video so tweet me some questions and leave some in the comments. See you next time!"

Faith HopeWhere stories live. Discover now