Chapter 2

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Faith watched the video she just uploaded an hour ago and it was already number 1 on trending with millions of views and thousands of comments. There was a knock on her door as Frankie yelled for her to open the door.

"It's open," she called.

Frankie came in and payed down on her bed next to her, "You should really answer your phone. They just want to talk," he said.

"Why? They knew I was posting it today, they knew it was going to be a hot mess. It's all their fault anyway," Faith said.

"Ok, but they didn't know you were going to cry or that you're crying right now. Faith, they feel terrible," Frankie said.

Faith's phone rang again. She picked it up and saw that Nick was requesting to facetime. She looked at Frankie.

"Do I have to?" Faith whined. She knew it wasn't just Nick on the other end. All of her brother's were on tour together right now and she was sure she had the strength to face them all at once.

"Yes," Frankie answered.

Tears started to pour a little faster out of her eyes as she pressed the answer call button on her phone screen.

"Look, Nick, I really don't want to talk right now," Faith said.

"Good, then don't talk just listen," Nick said, "Joe! Kev! I got her!"

Joe and Kevin came running into the camera view.

"You know you're breaking my heart kid," Nick said. She could tell he had been crying.

"You have 5 minutes then I'm hanging up," Faith said with no emotion in her voice. They nodded but there were still a few moments of silence while the 3 brothers tried to come up with the best thing to say to their sister.

"I didn't know how much you were hurting," Joe said, "you never said anything."

"Oh, I'm so sorry that the countless years of locking myself in my room anytime you came around wasn't enough! I didn't know you needed it spoon-fed to you! Because the precious Joe Jonas wouldn't hurt a fly so it had to be something else! And let's not forget how you definitely knew something was wrong! Planning all those dinners and lunches to talk to me then never show up!" Faith screamed.

"That wasn't the best way to start this off," Kevin said, kicking Joe.

"Faith, we never meant to hurt you." Nick said. "Yes, we could have been there more, but the best way for that to happen would have been for you to come along with us when you had those opportunities, like the movie or the tv show."

"Don't forget that you were the one that said you didn't want the world to know about you! We were just trying to do what you so desperately wanted!" Joe yelled, this time it was Nick's turn to kick him.

"Faith, we love you so much. We want to rebuild the relationship that we lost. If you'll let us," Nick said.

"I don't believe you! I never have and never will! I don't love you and I wish more than anything in this world to not be related to you! I hate you!" Faith screamed, ending the call.

"That didn't go well," Frankie said and Faith glared at him.

"You think? This is why no one was supposed to find out!" Faith cried. Frankie quickly wrapped his arms around her doing what his could to comfort her.

~Nick, Joe, and Kevin's Location~

"Well that didn't go well," Kevin sighed.

"Yeah, thanks to you, a**hole!" Nick pointed an accusing finger in Joe's face.

"We should have waited to talk to her. I'm just too worked up right now," Joe said, but he knew this was all his fault. He was angry with his sister and he felt he had the right to be.

"Well you 'being worked up' might have just cost us any last chance we had to have a relationship with our baby sister!" Nick yelled.

"We really can't afford to be upset with each other right now. We have a show in 2 hours. So put on a happy face 'cause we have thousands of people coming to see us and we can't let them down," Kevin said.

"I think those people have seen the video and would understand why we are a little off," Joe said, not wanting to drop the topic of their sister just yet.

"It doesn't matter, we are professionals. It's our job to be unfazed," Kevin said.

"So you are just going to let the fact that our sister hates us go?! Just like that?!" Nick yelled.

"For now. We have to," Kevin said walking away to his dressing room. Once he was inside he let himself cry a few tears before shaking it off and getting ready for the show. While he was getting his hair done he decided to text Faith.

Hey kiddo, you mind if I post something
on Instagram with you in it? Now that it's
official that you're our sister and all.

I guess I don't care.

So Kevin got to work on his post.

'My sweet sister, Faith Hope. I know that having world-famous older brothers wasn't how you wanted your life to turn out. But I want you to know that even though this fame put a wedge between us, I'm glad that we have each other now. I'm so proud of you for making that video today, I know that it wasn't easy. All my love, Kevin.'

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