Chapter 10

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Faith sat in the room she called her own for the past week packing up her belongings. Sadness ran through her body. She was really sad to have to leave. Nick and her had made so much progress together it was almost like those years of hatred never existed. She looked at her camera and had an idea. She sat it up on the vanity and pressed record.

"Hey everyone, welcome back. I know that I didn't post a video for last week and you're all going to be pretty disappointed with this video too because I just haven't had my camera out. This week was too important not to live in the moment fully.

"If the background looks unfamiliar that's because it is. I am at my brother Nick's house, I've actually been here all week. And while I've been here I was realizing something really important that I need to share with all of you.

"I realized that I really can't remember the last time I told my brother that I loved him. It was probably 2009 so 11 years since I've told him. And I didn't tell him because I was so convinced that I didn't love him and that he didn't either. But since I posted that video Nick and I have been talking just about every day and every day he would say he loved me and I just couldn't say it back. Then the first night I was here I locked myself in this room, like I had every time I was around Nick, and he actually came and checked on me. And I should have just said it then, I wanted to because all the hate that I had in my heart for him washed away when he held me in his arms that night.

"But today is the last day I'm here and Nick is taking me to lunch one last time and I'm going to tell him that I love him. And I am going to film it because I want Frankie to see it, I want Kevin to see it, I want my parents to see it, I want everyone to see that I finally let my guard down and that I love my brother. And I do. I love you so much Nick, this week has been exactly what I needed and I wish I didn't have to leave but I know that this was just the beginning and we will keep getting better."

"Faithie, come on, let's head out," Nick yelled and Faith hollered back that she would be down in a minute. She turned her camera off and put it in her purse and ran down the stairs. She greeted the two dogs and Priyanka before taking Nick's hand and going out to the car.

"Hey, do you want to film something for my channel?" Faith asked when they were on the road.

"You want me to be on your YouTube channel?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, of course," Faith smiled.

"Sure, we can film a little today," Nick said. He felt honored to be on her channel.

Faith whipped out her camera and pressed the record button.

"So, I'm here with my big brother Nick," Faith said pointing the camera to Nick and he waved, "Tell the people what we are doing, Nick."

Nick laughed, "I am taking my beautiful, amazing, little sister out for brunch before I sadly have to say goodbye to her."

Faith smiled at Nick and he smiled back, "Well, I guess we will pick this up at the restaurant."

Faith turned the camera off just as 'What a Man Gotta Do' came on the radio and she laughed. Nick started to sing along.

"Come on sing with me Faithie," he yelled over the loud music seeing as he was blasting the song through his speakers. Faith laughed and then sang along on Joe's parts while filming it on her camera. The song ended just as Nick pulled into a parking spot at his favorite dinner. They got to their table in the back where Nick took a picture with the waitress before they ordered their food.

"So Nick, what's your favorite thing we've done this week?" Faith asked him with her camera propped up on a little tripod.

"Um, it's hard to say we've done a lot of fun stuff and a lot of meaningful stuff. But I'll just say my favorite thing was watching you try and learn how to cook Indian food with Priyanka."

"Guys I am not a good cook at all so trying to cook something as complex as Indian food was a total disaster. But Pri was really nice about it all."

The two of them laughed.

"What was your favorite?" Nick asked his sister.

"Right now," Faith said with a smile.

"Right now? Out of all the stuff we did, sitting in this dinner is your favorite?" Nick asked, confused.

Faith paused and took a deep breath, "Yeah because I love you Nicky."

Nick's eyes went wide. Did he really hear her right? Did she say she loved him?

"What?" Nick asked.

"I love you," Faith said, tearing up.

"Say it again, I still don't think I heard you right. Did you say you love me?" Nick asked and he already had tears running down his cheeks.

"Yeah, I love you so much Nick," Faith said. Nick got out of his chair and picked up his sister and spun her around. When Nick put her down she reached up to wipe his tears.

"Don't cry this was supposed to be happy," Faith joked.

"I am happy. I'm so happy, I was starting to think I was never going to hear you say that to me again. I love you, too, baby sister, I love you so much."


After getting consent from Nick, Faith edited the video on the plane to post the next day. Their goodbye was a hard one but they promised to call and text as much as possible and Nick bought her and Frankie plane tickets to come see them in concert on the first night of their Vegas residency.

Frankie met Faith at the airport and she told him everything that happened at Nick's and he told her everything he did with their parents and Kevin and his family. Then that night while Faith was lying in bed she decided to make a post on Instagram.

Attached with a couple of pictures of her and Nick from that week was this caption.

'If I'm being honest, the past week has felt like a dream. If you told me 7 years ago that I would go and spend an entire week at Nick's house and quite possibly have the best experience of my life, I would have said you were crazy. In fact, if you had told me that a month ago I would have said the same thing. But it happened and it was amazing. It was like those 7 years never even happened and we were just brother and sister and that was all that mattered. It reminded me a lot of when Kevin and I made up. And I remember during that time telling him that there was no way this would ever happen with Nick or Joe but I was wrong and I'm so glad I was. I love you so much, Nick. I can't wait until we can hang out again.'

Likes and comments were pouring in on her post but only one of them meant everything to her.

joejonas commented on your post

'You think I could be next.'

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