Chapter 14

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"Hey," Joe said.

Faith turned to open the door but it would budge. Little did she know Frankie and Nick were on the other side of the door holding it closed.

"This can't be happening," Faith said.

"You did really leave me any other choice. I tried calling, I tried texting and you never answered," Joe said.

"Taste of your own medicine," Faith yelled, pushing on the door again.

"It's not going to open. Please just talk to me," Joe begged.

Faith let out a grumbled scream and stormed into the room so she could sit on the bed.

"I know about the video Frankie sent you, so I know that you know everything. And even though I knew you knew it didn't make picking up the phone or answering the texts any easier. With Nick, once he knew what went wrong and made it right all the hate faded away. Same with Kevin, but with you it didn't fade and I was scared. I was scared because I didn't know what it meant, Joe I think it's to far gone-"

"No! Don't say that!" Joe yelled. Faith covered her ears and ran for the rooms bathroom and locked the door. Tears started to fall and she was breathing heavy. Joe knocked on the door.

"Faith I'm sorry. Please just hear me out," Joe said resting his head on the door.

"I'm listening," Faith whispered, she sat with her back against the door and waited for Joe to start talking.

Joe sat down in the same position on the other side of the door, "I remember that night when I came and comforted you. I was just as scared and upset as you were but I was your big brother so I put on a brave face. I wanted you to be ok and I meant it. And if I'm being really honest here I will say that fame did get to my head a bit when we started at Disney. I wanted to be ready for any projected they could throw at us and so I did put a lot of things on the back burner of my mind and unfortunately you were one of them and I realized that when I took you on that car ride and I wanted to believe that things could be different and that I would be there for you like I was when we were young but, obviously, you know that they didn't. When Nick broke up the band in 2013 it really should have been the time for us to get back to how things were but instead I let jealousy and the thought of my own fame get in the way again.

"I was so stupid to not see how bad things had become between us, Faith. I had blinders on to see only what I wanted and I never picked up on how much you were hurting. When you made that video those blinders were still on and I was so mad that you could think that I had hurt you when in my mind I had done nothing wrong. I didn't take them off until Frankie sent me that video of you laying it all out of exactly what I had done. I really am trying, Faith, and I know that it's been 11 years and I know that you feel like all hope is lost but I'm asking you to hold on a little bit longer, don't give up hope yet. Please."

There was silence between the two of them. Faith was trying to take everything in. When she was little Joe was her best friend, she wanted that back. If he was going to try then so was she.

"I'm going to open the door now," Faith said. Joe stood up just as the door opened. They looked at each other, both of them had tear stained cheeks and the look of repentance on their face.

"Baby steps ok. This was a good start but I-"

"I know Faithie, this doesn't really change anything. I have a lot to prove to you and I'm going to do it," Joe said.

"Can I leave now?" she asked.

"Yeah," Joe said, "Guys you can open the door now!"

The door opened and Faith ran out, but turned back, "Where's Dani and Kevin's room?"

"405," Nick said. And she was back to running.

"So how did it go?" Nick asked.

"I don't really know, we got everything out in the open but I know that there is a lot more that needs to get done. We barely scratched the surface," Joe sighed, "And seeing as she literally ran away from me again I don't think it really did anything."

"You're on the right track and that's really all that matters," Frankie said, "I know her better than anyone and from what I heard sitting outside the door I promise that she's trying."

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