Chapter 12

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An hour after Faith turned her phone off Frankie came bursting into her room.

"Well hello to you too," Faith's roommate said.

"You may want to leave, this could get messy," Frankie said to her roommate and she threw her hands up in surrender. She got a few things together and then left the room. Frankie glared hard at his sister and she glared just as hard.

"Nick thinks you're hurt or dead and almost bought a plane ticket down here before I talked him down, care to explain?" Frankie yelled.

"He's just overreacting! I hung up on him and then turned my phone off so I would have to hit the decline button a hundred times!" Faith yelled turning her phone back on.

"Well, what were you talking about before that?" Frankie said.

Faith got distracted reading the messages Nick had sent her and there were even some from Priyanka and Kevin. She responded that she was fine and nothing was wrong.

"Can you leave so I can call Nick back?" Faith said harshly.

"No, he's my brother too. I can be present in this conversation," Frankie said sitting in the desk chair.

"Whatever!" Faith yelled pressing Nick's contact.

"Faith, thank God," Nick said.

"I turn my phone off for an hour and you think I'm dead? Way to overreact!"

"I'm sorry. I was just worried you ran off somewhere upset and then you could get hurt."

"Well I'm fine."

"Well let's keep talking about this whole Joe thing."

"If I wanted to talk about it then I wouldn't have hung up on you now would I?"

"Fine we'll talk tomorrow," Nick said and then it was his turn to hang up on her.

Nick sighed loudly.

"Did you get a hold of her cause she just texted me," Priyanka asked.

"Yeah but it didn't go well," Nick said.

"Don't push her too hard. You guys just made up, you don't want to ruin it," Priyanka said, hugging her husband.

"I know, but we are so close to having the family back together. I don't know why she's so reluctant to fix things with Joe. It was pretty easy for us to text and talk on the phone but she won't even do that with him."

"Well did Joe do something more to hurt her?"

"Not that I know of."

"Well, like I said just give her sometime."

Nick's phone went off with a text from Joe.

Hey, um, weird question. How did
you get Faith to talk to you? I mean
I've only tried once but she hung
up right away


Faith told me she tried to talk to you.

It wasn't all that difficult, I called her

and told her that I wanted try and

then I texted her everyday and then

made plans to see her and that was that

I wish that it was that easy for me.


Priyanka made the comment that maybe

there was something else that happened

between the two of you to make her so


Not that I can think of. I'll just keep
trying thanks Nick


No problem

~texts between Joe and Faith the next day~

How was your day?


Nothing exciting. Just classes and


Maybe you'll get to do something
exciting tonight? Are you planning
on coming to the Vegas shows?


At least one of them, Nick bought me

a ticket. Why?

Just wondering

Faith didn't text him back. She let out a groan and Frankie laughed at her.

"What's wrong with you," Frankie asked.

"Joe," she answered.

"I thought you said that you weren't going to worry about that anymore," Frankie said.

"It's harder than you think," Faith said.

Frankie had an idea he pulled out his phone and started a video.

"Why is talking to Joe so much harder for you then it was for Nick," he asked.

"Because," Faith yelled, throwing a pillow over her face.

"Because why?"

"Because it was never supposed to be this way! Ok! It was supposed to be Faith and Joe til the end of time, he promised and he broke it!"

"What do you mean?"

"When we were living in the small house in New Jersey and I had to sleep on the pull out couch every night. I cried like the 2nd night we were there and Joe came out of the room you all were sharing and hugged me and read me books and sang me songs until I was almost back to sleep. And as he was leaving he said that it was he and I till the end of time. Then it all fell apart the minute they started at Disney and in 2009 when I was really made at them he took me on a car ride and said it again and I was stupid enough to believe him. He said 'it you and me kid, ok. No matter the circumstance I will always be there for you.' And he was the first one to shut me out. Any time I wanted to be with him he alway had something else to do so I stopped trying. Then, when I posted that video the only interaction he had with me was just him yelling so yeah it's harder because he hurt me the most."

Frankie didn't know what to say. He stopped the video on his phone and sent it to Joe. Then he got down on the floor with Faith and hugged her.

"I'm sorry Faithie, I didn't know." 

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