Chapter 13

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When Joe recieve that video from his brother all the memories came flooding back to him. He felt instantly guilty for abandoning his sister and he had no idea how he was going to fix any of it.

Sophie noticed Joe was struggling with something so she came and sat next to him on the couch.

"What's wrong, love?" she asked.

Joe pressed play on the video and had Sophie listen. She let out a deep sigh.

"That's not good," she said, for lack of anything better.

"You think? I really messed up. I wouldn't even want to talk to me," Joe said and Sophie let out a small laugh.

"Keep trying ok? For everyone in your family's sake," Sophie said going back to what she was doing beforehand.

(I wrote this based on this year but I'm going to do what everyone wishes they could do right now and ignore COVID-19. This is a fiction piece so we are just pretending anyway)

Faith and Frankie were headed off to Vegas to see their brothers perform. Faith was currently pacing back and forth at the gate where Frankie and her were watching to board the plane. She knew she had to go because of Nick but she also really didn't want to go because of Joe. Things still hadn't been going well between the two of them. Most of that was Faith's fault, she kept dodging the phone calls and texts from him claiming she was busy with other things. Joe almost came to see her to force her to talk to him but Frankie told him that it would most likely do more harm than good.

"Faith stop it. You're going to burn holes in the floor. Just sit down, read a book, listen to some music," Frankie said pulling his twin into the seat next to him.

"You're right, you're right. Just take my mind off of it, worry about it when we get there," Faith said taking some deep breaths and pulling out her book. Just as she opened it 'Cake by the Ocean' started playing over the speakers. "That's it, I'm not going."

"Oh you are going missy. Nick will literally get on a plane and drag you there if you don't just come peacefully with me right now. Think about it this way: mom and dad will be there, all of our sister-in-law's will be there, and our nieces will be there. With some many people there who want to see and talk to you, Joe will just be in the back of your mind you won't even have to think about it."

Faith took another deep breath to try and calm down. Frankie was right, wasn't he? Everything was going to be fine. She put in her earbuds and cranked up the volume and drowned out the world until they were getting on the plane and headed to Vegas.

~In Vegas before the twins arrived~

"So everyone is clear on the plan?" Nick asked.

"Are we really doing this?" Paul asked, "I don't feel like tricking her is the right way to go."

"We are kind of out of options here dad, you're just going to have to roll with it," Nick said.

"I just need a couple of hours and then we can drop all of this," Joe said, "I need some face-to-face one-on-one time with her. Like Nick said this is our last chance."

"But I want to see Auntie Faith," Valentina said.

"You'll get to sweetheart," Dani said, "Uncle Joe said he only needs a couple of hours and she will be here for two days."

"Ok I have to go get them from the airport so we will meet you at the hotel," Denise said and everyone nodded in agreement.


Faith, Frankie, and their mom arrived at the hotel everyone was staying and Faith was filming for her channel. They got half-way down the hallway to the room when Frankie let out a groan.

"What's wrong with you," Faith said looking away from her camera.

"I forgot my pillow in the car," Frankie said and Faith laughed.

"Well go back down and get it hunny and meet us in the room ok," Denise said.

Frankie ran back down the hall, the two women made it a little farther when Denise bapter her mouth in realization.

"Now what," Faith asked, turning off her camera.

"I forgot to give him the keys. Look here is your key card, go get settled and we'll be back," Denise said. Faith rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Okay see you in a minute," Faith said then she started recording again so she could get the first reaction to the room.

"Alright the big reveal guys," Faith said to the camera as she put the key card in the door. She pushed the door open then pulled in her suitcase. When she looked up she gasped.

"Hey," Joe said. 

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