Chapter 11

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~text between Joe and Faith the next day~

Did you mean it?

You really want to try?


If you'll let me. I know it's not going

to be easy cause I feel like there is

a larger gap between us.

I feel that too


I don't really know what else to say

over text and I know you won't see

me in person...

If I call you, you have to promise
you aren't going to yell at me


I promise.

Joe's phone rang and Faith's caller ID popped up.

"Hey, sister," Joe said.

"I don't know if I can do this," Faith said. Joe could hear her voice shaking over the line.

"Faith-" Joe started but then his phone beeped indicating that the call had ended.

"D*** it," Joe yelled.

"You ok?" Sophie asked.

"Faith hung up on me. I don't know how Nick got her to talk to him," Joe said frustrated.

"Maybe you could talk to Nick about it or maybe Kevin? If you want to," Sophie suggested snuggling next to him on the couch. He kissed her head. "Maybe tomorrow."

Faith let silent tears stream down her cheeks. But she quickly wiped them away and gathered the things she would need to film another cover with Frankie and made her way to his dorm room. Since they sang in that one video another cover has been her most requested video and she thought since this week's only video was the short one of her and Nick that it was the perfect time to do it. Frankie opened the door and frowned.

"Have you been crying?" he asked.

"I don't want to talk about it. Come on, let's run through the song a couple of times before the cameras are rolling," she said pushing passed her twin.

"I'm not going to pry but you know I'm always here for you," Frankie said, getting his guitar.

"I know," Faith whispered sitting on the floor.

After running through it a couple of times Faith set up her camera and did a quick intro.

"You requested it so we are giving it to you! In case you forgot this is my brother Frankie and we will be doing another cover for you guys. And since I spent all of last week reconnecting with Nick it only felt right to sing one of his songs, so this one from you Nicky," faith said and then nodded to Frankie to start and then she sang 'Little Bit Longer.' Later when she was editing she threw in some pictures her mom had sent her of her and Nick when she was little during the instrumental when Nick would give his speeches in the old days of the Jonas Brothers. Right after she posted the video she sent a link to Nick.

(link to video)
I think you'll like this one,
love you!

Nick Jonas is requesting to facetime with you (accept/decline)

"Hey," Faith said and then she took in the look on her brother's face and he was crying, "Nick, don't cry! I wish I was there to hug you."

"I wish you were here so I could hug you. That video was beautiful! Next time we are together we are singing together!" Nick demanded and Faith giggled.

"I think my viewers would love that," she said.

"Thanks for making that video Faith. And more importantly thank you for letting me back into your life. This all means the world to me, you have no idea," Nick said.

"No thanks need, I'm just glad you wanted to come back," Faith said somberly thinking of her conversation with Joe.

"What's with the face? Did something happen with you and Joe?" Nick asked.

"Yes and no," Faith said.

"What does that mean?"

"He commented on my instagram and then texted me and then called me and I hung up before we could actually talk."

"Why did you hang up?"

"I don't know, I was scared he would yell at me."

"Yell at you? Faith, if Joe is reaching out he's not going to yell at you."

"How do you know that, Nick? Right after I posted those videos last month he was a yelling fit. I don't want to deal with that again."

"Do you want me to talk to him?"

"No. I don't know, can we just talk about something else?"

"No, you can't keep putting off talking about this, Faith. The more you put it off the deeper the wedge between you two will get and then there will be no hope."

"What if I don't care!" Faith yelled and hung up on Nick. He tried to call back right away but Faith just declined it and shut her phone off.

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