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"Every time your heart is broken, a doorway cracks open to a world full of new beginnings, new opportunities."

- Patti Roberts


A profound silence enveloped the room as she sat by the window, fixating her gaze upon the rain cascading upon the emerald grass, softly blanketing the sand. A faint smile graced her lips as she found solace in the raindrops, often seeking comfort in their rhythmic descent. They served as a poignant reminder of that unforgettable day, etched deep within her heart—a day that forever altered the course of her life.

Abruptly, a brilliant flash of lightning split the sky, accompanied by a resounding thunderclap that jolted her from her reverie. A figure materialized amidst the downpour, piercingly staring directly at her. In that moment, it felt as if the world was crumbling around her once more. The illumination granted by the lightning unveiled his face, revealing a countenance she knew all too well. Overwhelmed, her legs gave way, causing her to stumble backwards. Her heart pounded within her chest, echoing like a relentless drumbeat. Hastily, she closed the window, swiftly drawing the curtains to shield herself from the outside world. Pain surged through her head, compelling her to reach for the drawer. With trembling hands, she retrieved her medication, seeking respite from the memories that plagued her. His smirking face lingered in her mind, the visage she both dreaded and despised with every fiber of her being.

"It's okay, everything is fine now," she repeated to herself in a hushed murmur, swallowing the pills. Gradually, within a span of three to five minutes, a sense of tranquility settled over her once more. It was a familiar calmness, one she had grown accustomed to whenever her inner demons resurfaced.

She had tried everything within her power to erase that fateful day from her consciousness, but deep down, she knew it was an indelible mark upon her soul. Yet, in the midst of her perpetual struggle, there was solace to be found. He, the one who had entered her life, accepted her unconditionally, unbothered by her imperfections. He had become her beacon of light, propelling her towards actions she once deemed impossible. When her past threatened to consume her, he stood resolute by her side. Both shattered in their own ways, they found solace in each other's presence, mending the broken fragments of their souls together.

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