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To me, the notion of love has been dynamic since the very start. Initially, it came to me as abrupt fluctuations in the beats of my heart; as the short-lived rains after long summers; as the clueless bunch of flowers on my windowsill every Sunday morning.
Sometimes, as a swarm of butterflies dancing in my stomach to the sound of a particular name and sometimes, through the anonymous notes from that unseen library mate.

Love came, anyway. It surrounded me.
At times, I identified with it. At times, I mistook it. At times, I got carried away. At times, I pulled away from it. And at times, I allowed it to consume me, devastate my being and then leave.

Well, now it's slightly different - the entire notion.
Now, it speaks to me of sensible realities yet listens ardently to my fantasized rants. It greets me with hot chocolate and warm hugs on a winter afternoon. It makes love to me under the northern lights. It talks of life and metaphors on the sand by the shore where our footprints disappear into waves.

It kisses me under all the mistletoes in the city. It prefers sipping iced latte on summer evenings served with cuddles in the blanket. It counts with me the infinities between stars; we catch fireflies together and it gifts me the jar. We give funny names to constellations and watch sunsets as if we never did before.

Now I know how love truly comes. It comes to you the same everyday yet takes away your breath each time.

P.S.- You know you found this love when you let it have the last slice of your pizza!!

Jaan 'NisaarWhere stories live. Discover now