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Into the Garden of Love I go
Sitting on the grass that's covered with snow.

Deeper and deeper I walk inside,
And find a boy swinging beside.

When I swing forth, he swings back
'Similarity' is what we lack!

He pulled my hair; annoyed and teased me
But somewhere deep within, his aura pleased me.

I loved the way in which we differed,
Like-minded people were not what I preferred.

Middle of the park, there stood a lake
Where we exchanged carnations and our first handshake.

In the backdrop of loyal tulips' rows,
Our see-saw faced its highs and lows.

For me to go up, he came all the way down
He transformed creepers into my crown!

The colourful fountain where the butterflies dance -
Already staring at me, I caught his glance.

The thorns of agony did hurt us on the way
But he held me tight, and WE drove them away.

Back to the lake we come now,
Resting on the bridge, making a vow.

A vow to never leave this Garden of Love -
Just two of us and the stars above.

A rose safe between our mouths - no words,
The kiss of life with the melody of birds.

Come here someday and meet your soulmate,
But please keep your ego out of the gate!

Jaan 'NisaarWhere stories live. Discover now