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you are a singsong
with a melody foreign
and lyrics

yet how i listen
to it in silence
with earphones on
and eyes closed

you and i
are half notes -
two beats each,
tuning the symphony

wake me like
morning bells and
tuck me g'night -
my favourite lullaby

the one i hum
all day
in both
my awareness and oblivion

i gulp
the rhythm down
from the vial of
amnesia it brewed

and oh, your eyes
they sync with mine
and resonate ardour
to ballads of our daydreams

so i know now
that every other song
was and is a masquerade
that hurts in the end

but you,
you intone
an ode to me!
each verse euphonic

something instrumental
whispers, aloud
that i am
worth singing for

the lyrics
can't be forgotten
for i am to listen
to this forever

"it's a duet, love "
you say
and we dance till dawn
in the ballroom called life
to the music that refrains
to the song that never stops

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