Chapter 2

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I had been on the road for 2 hours and needed to pull over soon.   My bladder was doing the tango and I couldn't ignore it any longer.   Thankfully a gas station came into view and I guided my 1970 mustang boss off the highway.  

Luckily a diner stood adjacent to the gas station so I decided to find a restroom and some food before refuelling.   Entering the diner the warmth and smell instantly relaxed my senses.   I hadn't realised how hungry I was. 

"Hello there darlin, grab a seat I'll be with you shortly" a short rosy faced woman appeared before me.  She wore a worn yellow uniform with 'Beryl' on her name-tag.

"Could I please use the restroom Beryl" I replied. 

"Help yourself it's up to the back honey and I'll meet ya back at your table shortly" she scurried off to another table as I made my way to the rear of the room. 

The restroom was completely white with stainless steel stalls.  It was exceptionally clean as I took advantage of the facilities.   Entering the diner again I remained at the rear finding a booth, I kept my face in view of the door and the room.

"Can I get you a drink honey" Beryl had returned and placed a menu in front of me. 

"Could I have a black coffee please" I smiled towards her.

"Course you can, have a look over the menu but if you have any requests give me a shout.  Earl can never say no to a pretty face" she smiled and winked as she strutted back to the counter. 

Glancing over the menu I didn't want a large meal so decided on the BLT.   Beryl was consistent with my care, my coffee was always full and she sent many sweet smiles my way without being overbearing. 

My sandwich was delicious and I decided to let Beryl persuade me into a piece of peach pie.   Whilst waiting for dessert I allowed my gaze to wander out of the window.   It was a beautiful day and the sunlight danced over the cars.  

I noticed a man stop as he was making his way through the car park as he noticed something.   He changed his direction and moved towards my car.   Narrowing my eyes I watched him take his hand and gently glide over my Monster. 

I watched him appreciate her defined lines and he bent to look at her interior.   I couldn't blame him and damn was it a nice view of his firm and toned rear.    He was tall over 6ft blonde short thick hair, i wondered if he grew it whether it would be a thick curl. 

He suddenly stood and turned as I locked with his deep and swirling blue eyes.   Eyes that I instantly recognised held a depth of pain.   I kept his gaze wondering who had left the devastation in his beautiful eyes.   I felt I understood that depth and knew his secrets were similar to my own.   I had never been attracted to anyone, always hiding from any male attention but this male held my unwavering scrutiny. 

I broke our state as Beryl appeared with my pie.  "Here you go honey I've also brought some water as I think three coffees is enough for a little one like you" she gave me a quick wink as she left. 

I took a piece of pie and as the delicious morsel entered my mouth I was unable to stop the moan with the taste sensation. 

"You surely are enjoying that pie" I shot open my eyes to see yet another delicious morsel stood at my table.   The gorgeous man outside had entered the diner and as I raised my eyes to his face he had a cheeky smirk.  

"Do you mind?" He gestured to the table and as I finished the piece of food in my mouth I gave a gentle nod.  He slipped onto the chair opposite me as Beryl approached.  "Brandon my boy I wasn't expecting you today.  Would you like your usual?" Beryl asked very cheerily. 

"No thank you a piece of pie and a coffee would be fine for today thanks" he turned towards Beryl with the most scrumptious Smile which I wouldn't mind being pointed at me.  "Well beautiful you know I'm Brandon who am I sharing this lovely treat with today?" He reached out his hand towards me. 

I hastily wiped my mouth with my napkin and stretched my hand towards his.  "Pria, it's nice to meet you" I replied.

He shook my hand firmly but without any real force before we both retracted our hands.  "I'm sorry if I'm being a bit forward but I noticed you watching and I have this unscrupulous rule that if a beautiful woman holds my eye I must at least discover her name" he cheekily winked as Beryl placed his pie and coffee in front of him.

"There you go handsome you enjoy.  Are you still visiting me on Friday.  You know this old lady only lives for her Friday visit" she laughed.

"Of course I wouldn't miss our Friday dates unless it was important" he smiled at Beryl again. 

"How are your Brothers? Are they keeping well?   You need to tell them I haven't had a visit for ages" she literally pouted.  I quickly held my hand over my mouth stopping a giggle. 

Brandon side eyed me holding his own smile.  "I shall berate them as soon as I'm home for neglecting you Beryl"

She laughed.  "It was nice to see you handsome.  Make sure you look after this beautiful girl she looks like she needs some sunshine" Beryl left as Brandon turned his scrutiny to me. 

"I shall certainly love to put some sunshine your way Pria" the side of his mouth slightly curved as he attacked the pie in front of him.

Conversation was easy with Brandon.  I learnt he had four brothers, not all blood but chosen family.   He was currently opening his own garage with his close friend.  Brandon specialised in motorbikes and his partner cars.  But they both held a passion for both.   I told him I noticed him admiring my baby, he seemed impressed at my chosen ride.  I explained how it took me 2 years to restore with the help of a friend of my Dad's.   I didn't claim to be a mechanic but I could maintain most things with my car.   I always valued any knowledge that helped my independence. 

Brandon and I exchanged numbers and I surprisingly agreed to meeting the following week and we left with the promise of arranging something soon. 

Jumping back in my car I couldn't believe my pit stop turned into 3 hours.   I shook my head smiling.  I hadn't felt this light in forever.  Or even ever.   I started my beauty as I heard my phone.  Pulling it out of my bag I noticed a text.

Unknown:  Hey it's Brandon, she sounds lovely x

I glanced into my rear view mirror to see Brandon standing beside his bike at the garage with a thumbs up.  I smiled again. 

Pria: she feels nearly as good as she sounds ;) x

Brandon: naughty girl ;) Drive safe x

Pria: she is ;) you too Brandon thanks x

I threw my phone on the passenger seat as I manoeuvred out of my space and onto the garage forecourt to refuel.   As I got out I looked around but realised Brandon had already left.  I smiled as I finished refuelling and headed back onto the highway towards home.

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