ISML 50: Stalker

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3rd PoV
It's been a while since Lisa and Tzuyu told them about their relationship.

Today is also the day where they are going to tell the whole world about their relationship.

They inform their parents and the two couple agree to them.

Lisa make a video for her wife and it will flash later after they perform their collaboration music.

Irene is still hurt by the fact that Lisa will never be hers but she's happy for the younger and wish her to have a great family with Tzuyu.

Jennie started to open her heart again for her to forget her feeling towards her member but she can't find any.

Kai keep on bugging her, telling her how sorry is the latter and they should comeback again but Jennie didn't want to.

"Are you girls ready?" one of the staffs ask as she peek a little to see Red Velvet, Blackpink and Twice finishing their make ups.

"Just a little" said by the make up artist. The staff then nod and walk away.

Later on, they heard someone is knocking at the door. "Open it Chaeyoung" Lisa said to the younger girl.

"Ok" Chaeyoung answer and open the door, revealing Marcus with a smile. "Your highness" he said and bow towards Lisa, Wendy and Tzuyu.

Wendy also told them about her true identity. At first, they are hurt because Wendy didn't tell it to them because they are living for a long time now.

"This is the gift that Princess wants to give to you, your highness" Marcus said and handed Tzuyu a bouquet of flower.

Tzuyu look at Lisa as Lisa gave her finger hearts. She then took at the flower and smile at Marcus.

"Thank you, please tell to your Princess that I love her" Tzuyu said to Marcus. Marcus then smile, "Yes your highness" and he left.

Tzuyu then saw a card at the flower and took it. She then open the card and saw Lisa's handwriting.

She smile, she knew that she loves this side of Lisa where she can feel that Lisa really love her. Lisa stand up from where she is seated and take a peek at the card that she made.

Dear Love,
          Hi baby! Good luck on your performance later ok? I love you, I know that words are not enough to see and feel the real love but I will make you feel and see it. Love, if ever something happen to me right here right now, don't lose hope ok? I'll get better for you because I want to give you a great and happy family, I also want to give you everything that I can-well I can give you everything, after all I'm a Princess and soon-to-be-Queen of England. I love you! Always remember that babe, my baby baby Tzuyu, baby, love, Mrs. Manoban, wifey and Tzuyu Chou Manoban-Bruschweiler. I promise that I will protect you love😊.

                                                Your baby,
                                        handsome hubby,
                                     your baby Manoban,
                                                 your love,
                                               your daddy,

When Tzuyu finish the letter, she then look at Lisa's seat just to find the empty seat.

She look at her side and saw Lisa's face, inches away from her. "Hi wifey!" Lisa cheerfully said and peck Tzuyu's lips many times.

Idol's Secret Marriage Life✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora