ISML 2: The Bruschweiler's Company

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Lisa's PoV
"Lisa-yah, wake up now it's breakfast time now, and go change quickly because we are going out" I heard Rosé voice outside my room.

"Coming," I said sleepily. I stand up lazily and go straight to the bathroom to do my routines.

"Good morning unnie and Rosé," I said and kiss their cheeks. They smile at me and greeted me back.

"Ok let's go now?" I ask and they nodded but someone is missing. "Where's Jennie unnie?" I ask. They look at each other.

"Uhmm.... she goes outside earlier because she said she has a breakfast date with Kai" oh, I thought she will come with us now.

"It's ok, don't think of her now, let's just enjoy our breakfast outside. Shall we?" Rosé said and I nodded.

"By the way where are we going to eat?" I ask because I don't have any idea.

"In the famous restaurant where every idol is eating because it was private," Jisoo unnie said. Ahh, so we are eating in our company ok.

After some music that we played inside the van, we finally reach our destination. "Let's go now?" Rosé said and excitement is visible in her voice.

"Well, when it comes to food she's always like that right Lis?" Jisoo unnie said. "Yeah unnie, every time," I said and we laugh.

"Hey, you two! Are you two going or not?" Rosé said. We are walking while laughing like an idiot and some idols are looking at us weirdly.

"Hey Lis, Jennie, and the Dog are here too" I heard Jisoo unnie said. "Unnie what should we do?" I ask.

"Let's go inside first Lisa-yah," Rosé said, she's in front of us. Well, she should be inside the restaurant if she didn't wait for the two of us.

"Wow the Bruschweiler's staff is so respectful" I heard Jisoo unnie whisper.

"Unnie let's go to their table and let's just greet them because we will eat right?" Rosé said and Jisoo unnie look at me.

"Let's go and greet our sunbaes," I said and we walk to their table.

"Good morning sunbaes," we greet them and bow our heads. "Oh hey, Lisa, Rosé, and Jisoo," Kai said and wave his hand on us.

"What are you guys doing here?" Jennie unnie said. Why does she look surprised?

"Uhmm... to eat?" I said because that is the right thing to say right? "Yeah, unnie we will eat here. Why are you surprised?" Rosé said.

"And are we not allowed here?" Jisoo unnie added in the statement of Rosé.

I feel some eyes looking at us or more on me but I just ignore it because I'm not in the mood to play hide and seek.

"Well I thought all of you will eat in the dorm and not outside," Jennie unnie said.

"Well, unnie, you're wrong because you see us in front of you so excuse us because we will eat and I don't want to disturb your breakfast here so excuse us," I said and walk away while my hand is on Rosé wrist. She gets Jisoo unnie's wrist too so that we can all eat.

"Hey Lis, why did you do that?" Jisoo unnie asks. "Unnie, she's so annoying and I guess she's avoiding us because of her tone you didn't see that!?" I said to her.

"I-I'm s-so s-sorry unnie, i-if I raise m-my v-voice," I said and look down.

"Hey it's ok Lis," Jisoo unnie said and walk to me and hug me. "Hey, you two. Why you didn't call me that we will have a GROUP HUG!!" OMG Rosé you are so embarrassing.

"Rosé remembers we are in a restaurant and there you are shouting at us," Jisoo unnie said. I just laugh loudly and they also laugh.

"Ok let's just order," Rosé said. "So who's gonna order?" Jisoo unnie said. We're just looking for a table and we find and table near the window.

"Whoever the last one who seat on that table will be the one who will pay and order," I said. "On the count of three!" I shout that earn the attention of all the idol inside.

"1, 2, 3!" I shout in my lungs and run as fast as I can to the table.

I reach the table first because of my long legs and next is Rosé. We laugh because Jisoo unnie is not here yet. Such a turtle.

"Yah! You two are cheaters!" Jisoo unnie yelled at us and we just laugh.

"Ok unnie, you will order and you will pay," I said while panting. That was fun. "Ok CHEATERS!" she said and walk away.

We laugh again because she is small and what are we gonna do if she has short legs while we're long legs.

"That was fun Lis," Rosé said. "Yeah I know right," I said and we laugh again.

"CHOKE TO DEATH CHEATERS!" We heard Jisoo unnie said on the counter and we laugh again.

I choke because of laughing and Rosé too. We heard a loud laugh coming from the counter. "SERVES YOU RIGHT CHEATERS!" she said and we glare at her.

After we choke, the food is already here at our table. "Unnie, are you sure that we can finish this?" I ask her because there are so many foods.

"Yes, we can. You have us, Lis. The food machines" she said and I laugh because they are right.

I choke because of laughing again and they gave me water while panicking. "Oh my god Lis, be careful- OMG I'm so sorry," Rosé said because she spills the water on me.

"It's ok Rosé. Excuse me I will just go to the bathroom and clean this" I said and they nodded their head.

I'm now inside the bathroom and get some tissue because I want to dry the shirt. "You know it won't dry if you are wearing it" I got startled because of that voice.

"S-sunbae," I said and bow my head. Why did I shutter? "Take it off," sunbae said.

"Uhm... it's ok sunbae, I will go now" I said and walk to the door when.....

"I said take it off," Irene sunbae-nim said in a cold tone.

I gulp, "You might get cold if you still wear that," she said but I don't have any cloth- oh I totally forgot, I have a tank top. "Thanks, Unnie," I said and take off my shirt.

"Thanks, unnie, I totally forgot that I wear a tank top," I said and she nodded her head. I walk my way to the door and walk to our table.

I see that the idol's attention is on me now. Why are they like that? "Unnie, Rosé let's go now," I said but they are shocked looking at something.

I follow their gaze and it landed on my stomach. "Ehh?.... what's wrong with my stomach?" I ask because they really looking at my stomach.

"Uhm... none let's go now so that you can have warm clothes to wear" Rosé snapped out first.

Really!? What is wrong? "Uhm... ok let's go now," I said and we go to the entrance then make our way to our van.

The Bruschweiler is really a big company. While we are in the van there is an awkward silence.

"Ok, I will ask again. What's wrong with my stomach?" I ask them. They shook their head to me. Ok, that was weird.

And Irene unnie earlier is weird also. Why did she care even if I have a cold? If I am not mistaken we are not close nor we don't talk with each other. I am just close to Seulgi unnie.

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