Untitled Part 1

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A/N: Over 8.5k words, do not be deceived by the single chapter. Enjoy this trash with some more bad edits put in (=^・ェ・^=)

Zhan Yao still could not take in how he put himself into this situation, a wailing newborn being bounced in an attempt to stop one of them crying and waking the rest up from their nights sleep, a clingy husband who may well have been bouncing on his tired other hip, and a pain in the ass, literally. A little under a year ago, he was a single, massively successful psychologist who was one of Hong Kong's best criminal psychology consultants, hiding the fact that he was a omega under a heavy mask of suppressants, but now he was lumbered with a cluster of children, a wickedly attractive husband and the reputation of most successful omega. Science could not fully explain how life had changed for him, so within the scientific method and a bit of extra whimsical explanation, he needed to piece together a logical story that did not involve old wives tales, fate, love at first sight or any cliche language. He did not want to be defined by his second gender, so his love story would not be either. The Doctor, as a firm believer in the ways of science, knew that to work any problem out, he had to go to the start of the problem, involving Bai Yutong and a so-called fateful stake out.

An omega that forgot his suppressants would always go into heat as the omega body was made to, so an easily neglectful omega such as one Zhan Yao, that was well known for being on the border of unhealthy in nearly every way including work, sleep and diet, on a case with sexy alpha Bai Yutong was not exception to having a sudden Zhan yao still hypothesised how he had gotten a heat at the first instance of not taking inhibitors. The gentle waves of calla lily essence suddenly bloomed in the cramped little hotel room, with an intoxicating addition of fresh rose, and the forever no heat-no sex- no nothing omega went into an intense heat, which triggered Yutong's coming rut. At that moment, surveillance of their suspect was completely forgotten in favour of pleasing their more banal instincts that had been fulfilled for too long, nothing mattered more than ramming the alpha's large knot into the leaking, virgin asshole. They were too lost in euphoria to think of the most obvious step, birth control or condoms, but little did they know that that missing action in their bonding would have repercussions.

The morning after, Bai Yutong and Zhan Yao were woken by being walked in on by the rest of the stake out team, Ma Han, Wang Shao and poor young sprout Bai Chi, who all looked at the deputy leader and leader in a messy tangle on the crappy carpet of the hotel room. They were surrounded by excesses of slick, jizz approximately one metre from the pile of sleeping omega and alpha mates, and the biggest shit eating grins on the guilty peepers faces, and the next gossip topic of the police department in the works. "Oh Holy Buddha, what happened last night? I-Oh crap. We need to shower right now, I will see you in half an hour to recap what happened.", Yutong cut off his curses faster than he could staunch the jizz from Zhan Yao's hole, knowing the consequences of what they had done were more important than indulging the peeping eyes of their fellow team members. If they did not get the cat to a shower, the little mice and kittens running around would be far too soon.

Zhan Yao could not believe that he had managed all twenty nine years so far as a proud virgin, only to be deflowered by a stupid white mouse. They had managed to get ready and reassembled in the half an hour Yutong told everyone, and back on they way home to the SCI office to close the case and do the paperwork, the mouse even found time to stop by a pharmacy to buy his cat of a mate some bandages and the morning after pill, fixing the fresh bite mark in the limited space of the backseat of his sports car. Despite trying to look like they were not too attached in front of the team, Yutong had taken good care of his cat. He had cleaned and dressed the mating bite, shoved a good healthy breakfast in the skinny consultant in case he forgot to eat for the rest of the day. He even provided a reason for Zhan Yao's injury, "Cat, tell Bai Sir that you got into a fight. Give it three to five day and you can cover the bite with foundation, no one will know."

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