laketown ;;

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Legolas's POV.

Legolas walked to the Throne Room, by request of his father.

"Ah, Legolas. There you are." Thranduil said. Suddenly his face hardened "What. Happened."

"Ada, the Dwarves just-"

"Escaped? Yes, I can believe that, but why couldn't any of my best guards stop them?"

"We were fighting the orcs...there was nothing we could do."

"Legolas, I expected more of you." The King sighed. "What I'm most concerned about are the Orcs. They are growing increasingly reckless. Why have they decided to go so near our borders?"

Legolas didn't say anything.

"We are to close the gates. No one goes in or out." he instructed the guards. He turned to Legolas.

"Son, please alert the other guards of this." Thranduil said.

Legolas nodded, and headed to the main gate. "Lock the gates. No one goes in or out."

"But what about Tauriel and Cyrille?" One of them asked.

Legolas stopped in his tracks. "What about them?"

"They both left earlier today, riding horses."

"Do you know where they went?"

"Tauriel said something about Laketown and the mountain, but then Cyrille told her to shut up and give us the benefit of the doubt."

"Sure sounds like them." Legolas muttered. "Bring me a steed. I'm going out."

"What about the gates?"

"Lock them. Do as my father says." Then he rode off.

Legolas found both of them at the riverside.

"You knew I would come "He said, dismounting his horse.

"Yes," Tauriel said, turning around. Cyrille looked at him too.

"Well..."Cyrille began. "Not really. It was kinda fifty - fifty."

Beside them stood two mares. one brown and the other midnight black. It's piercing yellow eyes seemed to stare into Legolas's Soul.

"Woah. Where'd you find him?"

"His name is Collius." Cyrille said. "He's sweet, and he doesn't shit everywhere." She said no more.

"This one's name is Saskia." Tauriel said.

"Cmon, Leggy. Let's follow the Dwarves to Laketown" Cyrille said, already mounting her horse.

"My father won't be happy about that." He replied, already knowing that he would have to follow.

"Legolas, your dad is old. " Tauriel said, mounting her horse as well.

Legolas sighed. "Fine. Let's do it."


Cyrille's POV.

When they reached Lake Town, it was nightfall. The trio stopped and looked around.

"It's hideous." Cyrille breathed.

It was true. The roads were muddy and uneven, the houses were slums, looking like they were barely held up. The area seemed sad, and the entire place reeked of fish.

But there were no people in sight.

"The village Master must've locked everyone inside their homes." Tauriel said.

"And that's a good thing, because there are Orcs currently scaling the houses." Cyrille warned.

Suddenly they heard a blood curling scream from the town.

"Let's go there." Cyrille decided.

"Good idea."

They left their horses outside the town, and searched for where the scream had come from, making sure none of the Orcs saw them.

Cyrille noticed that there was an orc about to strike a dwarf with a large hat.

She shot it and rushed into the house it came from. There were several orcs here, and two terrified children, screaming their lungs out.

She stabbed an orc that came from behind, then another who was about to strike a dark-haired dwarf. He looked sick. The dwarf with the braids was whispering "Kili, you'll be okay."

Kili. That was his name.

Legolas dropped down from the ceiling and started to kill more Orcs. Cyrille approached Kili and said, "What's wrong with him?"

The braided one answered. "He was poisoned by an arrow that struck him."

Kili was breathing heavily, shuddering on the bed.

Cyrille ran outside, and bumped into the large-hated dwarf she had saved. He held a bunch herbs in his hand. She stared at him for awhile. Suddenly she bent down and plucked the herbs out of his grasp.

I'll take that." She said. "Tauriel can heal him."

She ran back inside the house. "Tauriel! Here. You can heal the dwarf."

Tauriel looked at Cyrille, as if asking, "And what do you want me to do with this?"

"Do your spell thingy. You think I'd bother to learn a fucking healing spell? Work your elf magic."

Tauriel seemed to come to her senses and took the herbs.

"Place him on the table." She commanded. Kili was convulsing so much it took all the dwarves, Cyrille, and the two young girls to hold him down.

Cyrille smiled at the children as Tauriel chanted the spell. She presumed they lived in the house. They smiled back.

Cyrille didn't know if it was the spell, or her eyes, but Tauriel kept on getting brighter. Brighter and brighter and brighter.

"Thanks, I didn't need my eyes anyway." She muttered.

And then it was done. Not having to hold down Kili anymore, Cyrille left, going after Legolas, who had left earlier to fight more orcs. She paused only for a moment to say, "Tauriel, follow me."

And that was when the dragon came.

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