Faintly, his eyes opened and closed as he looked about the dim room lit by just one candle that stood on his nightstand.

Then, darkness was all he could ever see.

"IT WAS YOU WHO DID IT! YOU DAMNED HIS MAJESTY." an official yelled to another.

This early morning chaos was all that filled everyone's ears.

The moment light swept the new day, was the moment one saw the king no longer respond. His breathing was normal but no matter what his eyes wouldn't open nor would he move a muscle. All that was known was that he was in some short of sleep, a coma.

The Left Prime Minister sighed at this mess and stood at the center on top the stairs. "Everyone please, we must not be out of line. We must gather information of any events that may have occurred yesterday evening." he organized.

Upon hearing this, the men in the room shushed and put themselves back in their respective places. Now, they awaited for both the princes to give their word.

"Thank you, Left Minister." Wen Ling spoke calling him by a shorter title.

The official bowed, "With pleasure, Your Highness."

"Now," the 3rd prince spoke loudly with a clear voice. "Does anyone want to come forward about what happened last night?"

One official spoke, "Your Highness," he greeted as he stepped out. "I've questioned the servants and one said that after the royal physician left another person entered. However, it is not known who it was that entered as they were wearing a mask, an opera mask." he clarified the last bit.

Wen Ling's hands formed into fists. Wen Xin taking notice of his brother's rage stood from his seat.

"Please give us further detail on that unknown person." Wen Xin ordered.

The official bowed, "Of course, Your Highness.... The person entering was wearing what looked to be a blue mask. Another thing I must include is that although the person entered, he never came out."

The 4th prince's eyes narrowed in suspicion. He couldn't help but look over to his brother whose expression was filled with nothing but coldness.

"Is there anyone else that would like to speak?! We must gather as much information as we can!" Wen Ling shouted making the room go dead silent.

During the 3rd prince's rages, not one dared to speak. His fury was not one to go against or else.

The Right Prime Minister then spoke, "Last night I saw His Highness, the 3rd prince handing something to a servant." having also seen.

Wen Ling seemed to glare at his accusation.

"What about it makes it so suspicious, Right Minister? What was it that I did that made it seem out of the ordinary?" he questioned.

There was nothing but quietness. The 3rd prince's eyes shut tightly, then opened to look at that man.

He swore to avenge his brother, Wen Chen's tragic death. To find that the person has struck once more truly irked him to the core. Not only that, he is now the one being accused when really all he did was try and find the truth.

"Actually," one spoke, being Prince Wen Xin.

The older prince looked to his younger brother.

"I also saw Ling last night. I don't know what it was but he was in front of His Majesty's palace when he gave it to a female servant." he finished his statement.

Wen Ling's eyes widened in shock and his face seemed to go numb. He felt absolutely dreadful being turned against for a crime he didn't commit.

"We must place His Highness on house arrest immediately!" the Right Prime Minister shouted causing a stir.

The officials began to feel uneasy, not knowing what to do.

Wen Ling clenched his fists, "Left Minister," he called.

The high ranking official bowed ready for his orders, "Yes, Your Highness."

"From today on, I shall be kept within the perimeters of my palace. I will not step out for any reason till an investigation of this is finished. No one is to visit me either!" he declared setting it straight.

Those in the hall looked on with silence.

"Guards, please guide His Highness back to the High Peak Palace! No one is to enter and His Highness is to not leave till further notice." the Left Prime Minister declared.

The 3rd prince sighed to himself, "Be sure to let him know." he spoke discreetly to the Left Prime Minister

"Yes, Your Highness," he nodded.

Guards then entered, surrounding him. Before he was to leave, he eyed the Right Prime Minister then looked away.

As he walked away, guided by the guards, he couldn't help but place his hope in him, His Highness Prince Fei Yang.

The Scars Between UsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant