Chapter 37

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"Your Highness, it has been days. Won't you please talk to him?" Lin was gravely worried.

Wen Yue did not once turn her way as she spoke and kept her silence. Ever since that night, she didn't know what to believe. She was back at the beginning where she once knew nothing.

The servant sighed with eyes casted to the floor, "I hope Your Highness comes to terms soon." she could only wish for the best and left deciding to give her space.

The moment she left, followed quiet sobs. She had been holding them in not wanting her personal servant to hear them. Her hand came to cover her face as she bent over from where sat on her chair.

It was painful to hear. She cried in agony with the belief that the items they exchanged was only that and nothing else. Maybe he only returned a hairpin because he didn't want her to be saddened by the fact that he couldn't return the love she held for him.

Her head was also beginning to ache and eyes weary from days of dreadful sorrow that couldn't be contained. The more she thought about it, the more she prayed it was just an illusion.

Yes, she wanted to talk to him and confirm things but what if the moment she did he told her he was truly going to marry another. This would mean that she who held trust in him was just false hope.

She would wither away like a plucked flower where nothing showered her but the emptiness.

The three men stood around at the military quarters, waiting for their prince's order. It was this very moment that they were discussing matters inside about a sudden change at the borders.

Han looked at his two other partners and sighed. He knew they too wanted to talk about it but didn't dare mention it.

"Don't you guys want to talk about His Highness?" he blurted.

The two turned raising a brow.

Han's gaze shifted to the ground, "His Highness doesn't really have any friends and we are the closest thing to being one for him. I know you guys don't really think of him as one but I sure as much do care about him, not because he's a royal but because he has showed kindness towards us."

Huang bit the inside of his lip as Jianyu gave his attention to the man who spoke.

"What makes you think we don't care? He saved my life many times and I regret never paying him back." Huang spilled as a glare became directed at Han. "So don't you ever dare assume I don't care about His Highness."

Han's focus came to Jianyu and once it did he already knew his answer.

"No matter what happens between both Highnesses, we must protect them at all costs." spoke the prince's right-hand.

Han smiled at their words, "Right now, the misunderstandings are bringing back the dreadful memories of the past for her, and we know His Highness can't be too frank about it. If he says the wrong thing, he too will fall apart."

As much as it was obvious for every person that worked for the royal family, they would be just that and nothing else. However, the prince they served was different. He truly cared about them, even to put his life on the line.

They weren't pawns in a game.

"But won't we be leaving soon?" mentioned Huang. "We may be gone for weeks even months. How can we mend everything back together in just one day?" telling the truth of their situation.

Jianyu kept his lips sealed they spoke and gazed at the door of that building where they awaited their prince.

Endless thoughts raced through his head as he then shut his eyes.

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