Chapter 21 : Puzzle to solve

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"Patience and control is all that it takes"


After finishing my work in the office I went home, it was almost six when I reached my place. I parked my car in the garage and walked towards the door that leads to the house. I climbed the stairs and went to my room, stripping myself out of the clothes before walking into the bathroom to take a warm and relaxing bath. After drying, I wore black leggings and a grey hoodie.

I heard the door bell, as I tied my hair into a low ponytail. It might be Mrs.Charles, I've asked her to meet me to go through the files Dad gave me. I have a feeling those files aren't genuine.

I climbed downstairs and went towards the door before opening it. Mrs. Charles stood there smiling widely, dressed in a navy blue dress holding a brown bag.

"Hello Mrs. Charles, glad you came" I greeted with a gentle smile

She mirrored my expression and nodded "It's my job and I'll always help you Elliana"

I chuckled and held the door open while she stepped in. I closed the door behind me and asked her to follow me to my study.

I opened the huge oak door and walked over to my desk before pulling the drawer open where I kept the files. Mrs. Charles sat on the sofa, and opened her bag hunting for something. I took the files and sat on the seat across from her. I dropped the files on the coffee table, "My Dad gave me these files a few weeks ago, first I didn't find anything suspicious but then I got a weird feeling as if why he didn't give me the complete rights? Is that even possible? I went through the handover documents and it's clearly mentioned this company is under my name" I stated blankly with slight confusion.

Mrs.Charles nodded before taking on of the folder and going through it. She wore her reading glasses and started skimming through the pages.

We spent almost two hours going through it and discussing about it before we came to a shocking conclusion.

"Mrs.Charles, join me for dinner as it's already dinner time" I offered kindly

"I'm sorry dear, but I've promised to go out with my family today. Thank you for asking" she politely declined. A part of me is relieved that she don't have to taste my horrible cooking.

We got up and walked towards the main door. "I can't believe he would do it" I stated as we neared the door.

I felt her hand on my shoulder and I looked into her brown eyes which held sympathy and love. Wish I was seeing my mother, but I see Mrs.Charles like my mother. She always helped me when I'm having troubles.

"Don't worry dear, remember what I told you just do that."

I gave a sad smile and hugged her, "Glad you came" she patted my back and pulled away before looking at me with a smile "Always for you dear"

I smiled and gave her one last hug before she left, I stood my the door and waved at her as she exited the gates. I closed the door and rested my back on it, closing my eyes I let out a sigh.

Never knew that man could go till this level

I opened my eyes and went to the kitchen to make dinner. Now what's there in the fridge?


I started at the night sky, filled with stars but the moon is no where to be seen. The grass felt warm and soft under me. It gave me a relaxing feeling as I rested on it.

I sighed and closed my eyes, enjoying the feel of the cold night breeze caressing my face, almost tickling.

What is happening to me?

Boss Lady (Under Major Editing)Where stories live. Discover now