Chapter 20: We're business partners

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My father slapped me. The man who is supposed to care his daughter hurt her.

How could he?

I kept my hand on the cheek which stung and stared at him stunned by his actions.

Lennox pulled me to his side, but I was too stunned to move a muscle. He noticed my sudden change and picked me up bridal style, while I snuggled in his arms.

I noticed his lips move, his jaw clenched and his eyes reflected anger. Everything around me was slowing down, I couldn't comprehend what was happening, eventually I felt my mind drifting off before enveloped with darkness.

I sat up quickly, my pulse increased as my breathing was shallow. My face felt sticky due to dried up tears and sweat. My throat felt causing me to cough.

That memory! I dreaded those day's, I really wish I could change the decisions that i made. Why was I so reckless? No wonder why Dad called me a spoiled Brat.

I slided out of the sheet and went towards the desk where I kept a jug of water. I gulped down half of it in one go.

I want to forget about it. I haven't had that dream for over five years. This just opened my old wounds. My hatred for Dad increased, unknowingly.

I thought it was because he loved my mum and all he did was without thinking straight but I just realised he never really loved mum that's why he married her Kaitlyn.

I threw the jug on the nearby wall shattering it into thousand pieces. "AAAHHHH!" I screamed on top of my voice, thank Goodness Stanley wasn't here to see me in this state.

My vulnerability

I ran my fingers through my scalp and paced around the dark room, illuminated by the moonlight seeping through the balcony.

I washed my face with cold water and cried myself to sleep after struggling for two hours.


I heard the sound of birds chirping and felt the warmth of the sun on my face. It feels nice, I smiled and snuggled deep into the plush pillows.


I opened my eyes and sat up quickly, the clock on the wall read 9:37.

"Noooo! Im going to be late"

I cursed my stupid alarm clock as I rushed towards the bathroom to do my morning rituals. I looked like a total disaster, my eyes red and puffy after rinsing with cold water it looked better. I tied my hair into a messy bun and wore a black sweater dress and matching pumps. I applied some concealer and lip balm before going to the kitchen to have breakfast.

The kitchen was empty!

Ohh, I forgot Stanley's not here. I sighed and opened the fridge and found my pre cooked breakfast. Porridge.

I heated it before savouring it quickly. I'm not a fan of porridge but when I'm hungry I don't mind what I get as long as it's food.

After twenty minutes of driving I reached my building and walked no ran towards the elevator. My Employees gave me weird and some surprised looks but I didn't mind them and stepped into the lift. It's not everyday they get to see their boss hurrying. I sighed and looked at my wrist watch, 10:45. Great! Atleast i'm not that late or is it?

The doors opend and I met a serious looking Carla, her arms were folded, she wore a frown and her glasses rested near the tip of her nose while she tapped her left foot. She reminded me of my Math's teacher. That thought gave me chills.

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