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This chapter is for kuma_kuku who has shown a lot of love to my story. Thank you :)


"-nnie. JENNIE!" Taeyeon yelled, trying to shake Jennie out of her shock. She had been standing still for a solid minute. "Jen! Look at me. You're okay, it's okay." She grabbed onto her mandu cheeks and forced Jennie to look at her.

The Blackpink leader heaved a deep sigh, blinking her eyes rapidly. "Unnie! Chahee has her, she has Joohyun. I-I-" Jennie started to hyperventilate as she felt a strong pain in her chest.

Taeyeon hugged her tightly. "Breathe, J. It's okay, you'll figure something out. Calm down, everything will be fine. You're strong, you can do this." She whispered words of encouragement into Jennie's ear. She felt Jennie's breathe slowing down.

"Unnie, I have to go. I need to go to the agency. Find out what happened." Jennie said, squeezing her sister one last time before letting her go, and picked up her phone from the floor. She noticed Jisoo was still on the line, she could faintly hear her calling out to her. She held the phone up to her ear. "I'm fine, Jisoo. I'll be there shortly." Jisoo told her to be safe and hung up.

"Be careful, Jen. Don't do anything without thinking first. I know you care a lot about Irene, but don't do anything reckless."

Jennie nodded, "Yes, unnie. I know. Is Tiffany unnie gonna be back tonight?"

Taeyeon furrowed her eyebrows and shook her head. "No, she's in LA recording for her new album. Why?""

"You need to come with me to the agency, I don't want anything to happen to you. Knowing Chahee, she'll use you too, to get to me."

"I'll go with you, J. If it makes you feel better, one less thing to worry about, right?" Taeyeon flashed her cute smile, trying to calm her younger sister down. She knows that frantic look in Jennie's eyes. But she need to be calm in order to think clearly.

It seemed to work since Jennie let out a chuckle. "Unnie, I would always be worried about you."

"Right. Enough chit chat, let's get you to the agency quickly. I don't think time is exactly on our side." Taeyeon said as she went into her room to pack a few things in a bag.

As soon as that was done, they quickly went to Jennie's car, the squad leader eyes always looking around, seeing if there was anyone following them or planning to attack. She couldn't afford to put her guard down right now.

"Jennie! You're here! Come on, we have to start the briefing." Jisoo said as soon as Taeyeon and Jennie walked into the agency. "Tae unnie, you know where the VIP rooms are, I apologize for not going to escort you to your room, but we need to quickly formulate a plan."

"It's okay, I understand. Now go, they're waiting for you." Taeyeon said and smiled before walking down another hallway.

Jennie and Jisoo walked into Solar and Moonbyul's office. Chaeyoung, Lisa, Seulgi and Yeri were in there with the two CEOs of the agency. The squad leader glanced at Seulgi and Yeri in confusion.

"Hey, Jennie. I know you seemed confused and concerned right now, but it seems Irene, Wendy and Joy have been taken captive by Chahee." Solar spoke as she watched Jisoo and Jennie take a seat at one of the couches. "They probably followed you to Red Velvet's dorm."

Jennie looked down with an upset look on her face. "I take full responsibility, I should've been mor-"

"No. Jennie don't blame yourself. It would have happened eventually and Chahee would've found a way to find them." The girl just nodded solemnly and looked towards Seulgi and Yeri.

"We'll let Seulgi and Yeri explain what happened, we waited for you to arrive so they could start. Girls." Moonbyul gestured for the two to begin to talk. The two RV members were a little hesitant to start talking, they kinda look scared.

"It's okay, girls. No one will hurt you here. Take your time." Solar added, sympathetically smiled.

Seulgi opened her mouth to speak..

Seulgi and Yeri were in the older girls room, talking about a photo shoot that they were going to do later in the week. They always enjoyed doing shoots with all five of them.

"Seulgi un-" Yeri started but was quickly cut off by the sound of the front door being banged against the wall. They heard the scream of Joy and men yelling.

"Get up you're coming with us!" They heard. Seulgi quickly dragged Yeri into the closet and followed inside, she made sure to be well hidden behind all of her clothes, hugging Yeri tightly. She could feel Yeri's tears fall on her shoulder as she cried silently.

"Hurry up, the boss said not to take long." One of the guys said, as Seulgi heard the footsteps coming closer to her room. She heard the door to her room being opened and she squeezed Yeri tighter.

"How many are there in this group?"

"I don't know. But let's go, we can't waste time."


They heard the sound of the footsteps fading away and the front door slam shut. Seulgi and Yeri slowly walked out of the closet, and went out of Seulgi's room. They went into the living room and their eyes widened. There was mess, they guessed from where their other members were struggling to get away.

"Unnie, unnie what are we going to do?" Yeri sobbed as she clung into Seulgi's arm.

Seulgi took out her phone and called Jisoo.

"Then Jisoo came for us and we're here. We don't know where they took Irene and the others, we didn't even see they guys' faces." Seulgi finished and wiped away the tears that started falling during her story.

"Damn it. How do we find them? We don't even have a lead?" Lisa murmured as she rubbed the side of her face in exasperation.

"It might takes days or weeks for us to even come close to finding them. Without any clear direction to start in, it could take too long. And it would be too late." Jisoo commented, her eyebrows furrowing in thought.

Before anyone could say anything there was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Solar said as she glanced at the door to her office.

"Ma'am. This package was left in the front of the building. We've already checked it for bombs and other threats. It seems safe." A guard said as he placed the small box on Solar's desk.

"Okay, you may return to your post." Solar said as she looked down at the box. The man nodded and bowed before he went out of the room, quietly.

Solar slowly opened the box and saw a IPhone 11 with a note on it, it said For Jennie. "It's addressed to you, Jennie." She picked it up and handed it over to the Blackpink leader.

Jennie clenched her jaw, knowing it was Chahee who sent it. She turned it on and not even a few seconds later, she received a FaceTime call from an unknown number. She pressed the accept button and she furrowed her eyes brows in anger.

"Hello, my kitten."

A/N: That's all for this chapter. Thank you for reading. :)

Of Idols & Bodyguards (JenRene)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن