Ryuko Matoi (Spanker)

Start from the beginning

"AAAAH! No, please, Ryuko! I get enough wedgies already!" You pleaded, struggling more.

"Well, I'm gonna make sure you get A LOT more in the near future!" She said, yanking harder and delivering two more solid spanks on each cheek.





"Aaah-haaah-haaaah! Stop it!" You cried, trying to reach back, but she stopped you.

"No! This is exactly what you deserve any you know it!" She snapped.






"Kyaaaa! I'm sorry I just couldn't take the bullying anymore! I really do like and care about you!" You told her.

"Oh, really?! Well, let me remind you, everyone at school wants to kill me. And without that uniform, they totally could. So you were willing to risk my life to save yourself a bit of cotton up your crack?! That doesn't sound like love to me!" She said yanking harder and spanking harder.



"Oww!" You cried.

"Is that it!? My life is worth that little to you that you're willing to throw it away to save yourself a little bit of pain in your ass!? And I was even protecting you! You could've just told me who bullies you and I'd make 'em eat their own undies!" She snapped, landing two quick pairs of rapid-fire spanking while alternating cheeks.



"Aaaah!" You cried.

"What about Mako!? Would you drown her if it meant you didn't get any swirlies anymore!? Are you really that selfish and undevoted to your friends?! I thought you were perfect! So did Mako! But I guess you only thought we were expendable!" She snapped, ripping off your panties and continuing the spanking.





"AAAAAIIIIIEEEE!" You cried out, kicking, squirming and trying to cover your now beet red butt.

"Friends are supposed to have each other's backs! But you just tried to stab us in the back! And now, I'll have your ass for that!" She snapped delivering the last, but hardest spanks so far.




"Waaaaaah!" You screamed and the floodgates opened as tears poured down your face with the final smack to the center of your ass. "I'm sorry, Ryuko! I'm so sorry! I don't want to hurt or betray you or Mako! Especially not you! I love you!" You cried out.

Ryuko was shocked at this. "Y-you what?" She asked.

"All this time we spent together... We grew close and I really did feel things for you. I really did love you. I'm just sorry I ruined it." You said.

Ryuko gently sat you on her lap and made you look at her. "It's not over yet, Y/N. Sure, you messed up, but I understand why you did it. Heck, Mako even went off the deep end once. I'll forgive you this one time. And maybe we could even try this relationship thing again." She offered.

You smiled. "I'd like that." You said, leaning in and kissing her. It was a passionate moment you shared as you held each other close and locked lips, not even caring Mako watched in awe.

Ryuko soon separated from you with a stern look. "You've still got a few spankings to go before you're completely forgiven, though." She warned you, making you gulp in fear. But from then on, no one ever crossed you or Ryuko again and you lived out the rest of your school years calmly and happily together... Or, as calm as you could be with half the student body still trying to kill her.

A/N: Finally finished! Iecess, I hope you enjoyed this, I'm just sorry for saying I'd have it done in two weeks and instead took two months.

But let me know your thoughts in the reviews and who you'd like to spank or get spanked by in the future. Preferably who you'd like to spank. I've been getting some good requests for spankers, but little to no spankee requests.

Also, I'm still looking for people to have spanking/wedgie RP's with. Preferably including OC's. If you're interested, send me a message!

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