Chapter 8: Phantoms

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"Dream, what, I...what do say after what I just witnessed, no human should of ever survived that, but you, you survived that?!" A6d said to burst the silence between him and Dream.

Dream swayed with each step before seating himself in an office chair only to rotate it into A6d direction with his hand still over the hole on his chest. Dream was quiet as he looked at A6d and the two phantoms that sat quietly while shifting side to side awaiting patiently. A6d approached Dream but he stopped as he tried finding words to piece together another sentence but he fell silent. Dream readjusted his mask back into the right position on his face before whipping the blood off his cheeks and mouth onto the sleeve of his weathered bloodied hoodie.

"What makes you say I'm human?" Dream said looking up at A6d watching him freeze in place.

"I..." A6d went quiet as the phantoms flew past him landing on the dusty desk beside Dream, he wanted to question Dream so badly but no words came out of his mouth, no questions nor a sentence to ask if Dream was alright.

Dream chuckled at this before getting back up removing his hand from his chest, "I'm only kidding, A6d. Now let's get back to the others. They must be worried sick." Dream said nonshalontly as if he wasn't crushed under rubble or had a pole go through his ribcage and into his lung.

A6d looked at Dream watching he walk away as the two phantoms flew after him. A6d looked at the blood around his wrist that Dream had left and quickly took a sample of it before following Dream through the doors.

"They, well Skeppy said they where still going north so let's go that way." A6d said looking at a compass that was part of his arm before glare at Dream as his tongue twisted keeping him quiet even though his curiosity was nawing on his brain.

"Then you lead the way, you're the one with the compass." Dream said slowing down now walking behind A6d.

"Right. Now this away." A6d said as he pointed north and that's where the two headed off too, well four due to the two phantoms following in Dream's shadow.


Bad kept his hand on George's back to comfort him as the group followed Skeppy. George kept his head down hiding his face in the shadows and he was still in disbelief of losing his best friend, his thoughts ran wilded to the possibility of him being alive or even dead and gone forever.

"Hey you muffin, don't worry, A6d is with Dream, I promise everything's alright." Bad said as the spider that clung to his back looked at George.

"How would you know if everything is alright, you saw what happened." George said "my friend is possible dead after all that."

"George look, it's Dream where talking about, you know how many dangerous things he's gotten into and has gotten out of, that could be the same thing, he could possibly be alive." Sapnap said with Endie hovering over him.

George looked at both Bad and Sapnap, unsure of what to believe. His thoughts where diffrent from the words spoken from his friends' mouths. He was unsure if he should accept the fact Dream is gone or accept the possibility of Dream being alive, he didn't know what one to choose.

Skeppy listened to the three talk behind him as he continued to track forward. Skeppy huffed and crossed his arms keeping his gaze low only to look at the sky a few time to keep an eye out for phantom flocks. Speaking of phantoms Skeppy heard the hisses of them behind him. Skeppy and the others whip around seeing two phantoms flying in the distance followed by two figures below them which where running. George looked up seeing the phantoms but he also saw the two figures growing closer and closer to them each second, he looked carefully at the figures both familiar to him but he only paid attention to one of them.

"Dream!" George yelled before running towards the two before hugging only Dream desperate digging his fingers into his hoodie never wanting to let go and lose his friend again.

"Geez that was quick wasn't it, how fast where you two running." Sapnap said as he came over to Dream and A6d.

"Maybe you're the slow ones here." A6d said looking at Sapnap to see him cross his arms with a annoyed look on his face.

Dream looked at Sapnap and A6d seeing them argue with one another, but Dream's attention was back on George shortly after who was still clinging to him surprisingly.

"George, please let go, still a bit swore from that incident." Dream said with a chuckle.

"Oh, uh, sorry." George said as he let go and took a step back, "but are you okay."

"Yeah I'm fine, just a few bruises and cuts." Dream said looking at his hands as a small cut was on it.

"But what about this... hole in your hoodie. Geez i never realised how destroyed your hoodie was." George said delicacy touching the fabric around where the hole in Dream's chest would of been located as the fabric around it was dry with blood and lots of it.

Dream tensed due to the touch but he glared at A6d who was glaring right back at him, Dream felt like he could hear A6d's thoughts on the matter like 'just tell him the truth and get it over with' but Dream wasn't sure about speaking about the truth of what happened during the fall. Dream sighed and looked at George gently taking his hand away from his chest. Dream glanced up seeing all eyes where on him now, he was the star of the show under the spotlights of the audience, his friends.

"Look... What happened back at the roof was painful for me to go through and probably all of you to witness my 'death'. After the fall I was stuck in between debris for the roof and floors below me, I trying digging out but I couldn't nor could feel my legs at they where crushed beneath a mound of rubble, before I knew it a pole from an upper floor came crashing down into my chest." Dream said letting go of George's hand, he looked away before continuing his story, "the pole impaled my ribcage and lungs keeping me stuck to the pile of rubble, I remember hearing your guys' voices above and you screaming, that's when I blacked out before waking up to A6d trying to take my mask off. I don't remember much except for A6d removing the pole from my chest and my legs being free...but everything else is fuzzy memories to me." Dream said turning his head back to his friends.

George and the others just looked at Dream with mixed emotions, some with disbelief, some with amazement, others with surprise. Dream rubbed the nape of his neck before laughing, "so should we get going or are we stare." He said.

"No, let's get going before another roof collapses on us." Skeppy said and walked off going north.

"Oh don't remind us." Sapnap said and followed Skeppy.

"But where glad to have you back Dream, and you brought friends!" Bad said noticing the two tame phantoms behind Dream staying in his shadow.

"Oh yeah, those two, they just stared following me around for no reason." Dream explained as he followed the others.

"Aww maybe they like you." Bad said getting Dream to chuckle.

"Sure they do." Dream said rolling his eyes but they where hidden by the smiling mask.

The group continued to move forth to the north where expected safety was but no one was sure of it. George and Sapnap spoke to Dream while his two phantom buddies followed behind staying in his shadow to hide from the light that's soon to come. Bad checked in with mostly everybody as his spider buddy and enderman buddy stayed around him, But A6d followed behind everyone, watching Dream carefully examining him with all of his attention, watching every move he made, watching his actions, A6d just wanted to say something but his tongue was twisted in a knot that wouldn't come undone as his gaze upon Dream didn't stop, Bad tried talking to him to snap him out of it but A6d told him he was fine without breaking his focus on Dream, A6d wanted to do/say something, interrogate him, A6d only had one thought in mind.

What even are you Dream?

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