Chapter 2

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I went to bed. It's nighttime. I got a steamed bun from the kitchen and turned off all of the lights. Eun-kyung sleeps in the same room as me, but she has her own bed. She fell asleep. 

"What a pig," I mumbled. She was snoring, and she released a fart. "Ah, sh*t, it stinks like sh*t!" I yelled while covering my nose with one hand and grabbing a romance novel with my other hand. 

I belly flopped onto my bed and turned off the lamp. Eun-kyung started snoring even more loudly.

I opened a book called Lover. It's about two couples living their best life together. 

Wow, this book is amazing, I thought.

 Her boyfriend leaned in for a kiss. She stared at him with her bright, loving eyes, and puckered her lips. 

Oh, wow! 

He slowly kissed her. 

I'm so jealous right now. My boyfriend never kissed me.

They kept kissing, and he held her face with his big hands. His breath smelled like warm mint tea.

Ughhhhh. I smelled my breath. "Ugh, I forgot to brush my teeth. Disgusting." I said softly.

He said, "I love you." She nodded, and mouthed the same thing. She felt his broad shoulders and smiled. 

Seriously. This is so unrealistic, but I want this to be true.

He threw her in the air and caught her in his muscular arms. 

"SERIOUSLY??" I yelled while slamming the book. Eun-kyung woke up, startled.

"What are YOU doing? Why aren't you sleeping??? What's that in your hands?" She asked, frustrated and annoyed.

"N-n-n-othing." I hid the book behind my back.

She walked toward me and jumped on my bed. "PARK SEO-YEON! GIVE IT TO ME!" 

"NO! It's just a book for my project!"

Dad opened the door. "What's all this fussing about??"

"Seo-yeon is hiding something behind her back!" She called out while pointing her finger at me.

"Can you shu"-I stopped before the word fully slipped out of my mouth-"I mean stop?"

Eun-kyung rolled her eyes at me.

"Just go to sleep. Stop bothering Seo-yeon, Eun-kyung," dad said. He slammed the door shut. I laughed, and went under my blankets to fall asleep.

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