Chapter 121 The Sky

Comenzar desde el principio

Sora grabbed more blades from the ground as he walked closer to Yozora's injured form.

"Everything about you is built upon hypocrisy and lies. You want believe in that ideal, sacrificing yourself for the sake of others. You're blind to your own arrogance! In the end you're a fake and your hypocrisy can save no one!"

Sora slashes Yozora's body with a great number of swords. Soon he lifts up Yozora's body, only to punch him into the ground.

"Akame was the one who knew what she wanted to save. She knew both the starting and finish point of her dream. She knew all of that because it was her dream to begin with. How could you be a savior to anyone when you don't even know who to save to begin with. A world where everyone is happy and no one suffers is nothing more but a fairytale."

As Yozora was lying on the ground, his blood stained the snow. The pure white snow turned into a crimson color. As he was on the ground, Yozora was thinking to himself.

"It's true......what he said wasn't wrong. But i feel like he was missing something."

For a moment, Yozora saw Onui and himself crying after receiving the news of Muramasa's death. Both of them had nothing but sadness on their faces.

"I saw hell."

Yozora soon saw himself where he and Takasugi crossed blades. He saw when Tasuke was turned to a demon and the boy wanted Yozora to kill him because he didn't want to be a burden to Onui and Yozora should he be kept alive.

"I saw hell."

Yozora saw himself as he killed Zenon after having just regained his memory of his adoptive older brother. He felt nothing but regret as he killed yet another one of his siblings.

"I saw hell."

Yozora soon saw another person that he lost. He saw Rengoku dying in front of him, but the Flame Pillar kept smiling in the end. He saw the person who saved his life drawing his last breath.

"I saw the hell.....that will soon be mine."

As Yozora was bleeding in the snowy ground, he saw yet another image. Ashes filled the air as he saw large amounts of smoke in the air. When he looked ahead he saw a whole village set on fire.

"What was the point of me surviving that hell?"

Soon Yozora saw his younger self walking through the flames. As he was walking, he heard all of the villagers asking for his help. He covered his ears as he walked ahead. Seeing this, the Yozora called out to his younger self.

"Hey. That's hell you're walking into."

His younger self didn't stop. Soon he was face to face with someone. A girl with long black hair and red eyes, a girl he killed long ago. It was his sister, Akame. As Yozora was about to give up and just let Sora take his body, he heard the last words Akame ever spoke to him.

"So, get strong, make friends, protect all those you cherish."

Yozora's eyes widen for a moment. As he slowly started to move forward, his mind played Akame's words to him over and over again. Soon Yozora started to walk towards the fire, but Sora was behind him.

"Hey! That's hell you're walking into."

"....i finally get it Sora. This is what you've forgotten. Her message was so clear yet i was too stubborn to see it. Not only her's.....Muramasa, Tasuke, Zenon, and even Rengoku. They all gave me a clear path that i was too blind to see because of my dream."

Yozora walks forward towards the village that was on fire. As he did, the area around him changed. The smoke was fading away as snow was falling down from the sky. One by one, many swords appeared from the ground.

"Akame didn't want me to be a hero of justice and i don't need to become one. I was so ready to sacrifice myself, that i ignored what really wanted. I don't wanna die. I don't wanna die!!! I want to keep living. I want to stay with Onui, Nora, and Shinobu. I want to laugh with Muichiro. I want to keep having fun with Zenitsu. If i died....Akame's sacrifice, Muramasa's sacrifice, Tasuke's sacrifice, Zenon and Rengoku's sacrifice....all of that would've been in vain. They all tried their best to help me stay alive....that's hell with being a hero!!!!"

Suddenly Yozora came back to his senses. He got up from the snowy ground and grabbed a sword. Soon him and Sora clashed blades, but Sora realized something. Yozora was putting a lot more power into his strike.

"I was a monster. I was a cursed child. I was a wanna be hero. I was called a fake Yoriichi. I was even called a successor for Upper Moon One. This path is clear and its one that i chose. Yozora Tsugikuni will become a human who can protect everyone he loves and continue to live! That's why in this moment....i have only one selfish goal........i want.....i want.........I WANT TO LIVE!"

As Sora stared into Yozora's eyes, he had a small smile on his face. As he jumped back from the boy, Sora thought to himself.

"'ve taken the first step....towards a path that YOU chose to take."

No one was around Yozora's jail cell. The only person in the area was Yozora himself, however something was different. In the jail cell that was shrouded in silence, a single noise was heard. That sound was the sound of a chain rattling. If anyone walked by his cell, they would see Yozora's right hand clenched into a fist.

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