Chapter 119 The Weeping Sky

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A young girl was seen walking through an abandoned area as she was tied up with rope. Her siblings and herself were sold away by their parents. She thought that as long as she had Zenon and Akame with her, she would be okay. But even that salvation was ripped away from her.

"Excuse me, what are you doing with this girl?"

Soon the girl looked up and saw a man standing before her and her owner. The man wore a smile, yet she felt something ominous behind it. As she looked at the man, he seemed to be quite wealthy. Her owner saw this too and tried to talk to the man.

"She's for sell. Surely a young man such as yourself needs to find a bride soon. Or maybe you'd like a maid. For the right price, she's all yours. Apparently her name is Kurome."

"I see. My name is Tokinada Ryougi. Let me ask you, will she follow any of my orders?"

Tokinada gave the man a large amount of money. The man nods his head aggressively as he hands the rope that was tying up Kurome to Tokinada. As this happened Tokinada untied Kurome and hands her his sword.

"Kurome......your first task is to kill the man in front of you. After all, its his fault you and your siblings are now seperated. Plus if he's willing to trade your life, then he should be willing to suffer the consequences for that."

Kurome looked at her previous owner. He looked at her with a smug smile, thinking that she wouldn't lay a finger on him. However in a matter of moment's...his head was rolling on the ground.

"Good job, Kurome. I welcome you to my own little "family". Welcome to the Shie Hassaikai."

~Flashback ends~
Kurome woke up from her nap as she leaves her room. As she walked through the new base for the Shie Hassaikai, she ate some cookies from a small bag that she always carried with her.

Soon she stood in front of Yozora's jail cell. The boy was still in a coma as he was chained to the wall. As Kurome looked at him, a smile was on her face.

"So you're the one who killed Akame and Zenon. I wish i could've seen the look on their faces when you killed them. Though i wonder what you look like beneath all those bandages."

Kurome was met with nothing but silence. As she giggled to herself, she kept staring at Yozora. Tokinada said if things don't go well, she could have him all to herself.

"I can't wait for that day to come."

~At the Butterfly Estate~
As Shinobu was outside of the estate to get some fresh air, she saw someone in the distance. When she got a closer look, she started to recognize the person in front of her.


As Shinobu ran towards Muichiro, she saw that he had a deep slash mark on his back. As she tries to bring Muichiro into the estate, she heard the boy speaking up.

"Yozora' danger.........."

As Shinobu was taking Muichiro to a room to recover in, she asked Aoi to look inside of Yozora's room. She did as she was instructed, but was surprised by what she saw. Yozora wasn't anywhere to be found.

"This is bad........"

~With Yozora~
As Yozora was inside of his own mind and crossing blades with his other self, he felt a shiver down his spine whenever Sora looked at him. All he saw in his eyes were emptiness and no signs of life.

"Well then Yozora....let the Battle of the Skies....begin."

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