
A text message appears at the top of the screen.

Hey, this is Hayden. I only now realized I got the wrong phone, sorry about that.

"Sorry about that?" It's three in the afternoon! What the hell has he been doing all day?

I've been on the plane for the last couple of hours and just now got a chance to charge it.

Can he read my mind? I mean, it does make—wait, he was on a plane? No...


I try to answer him, but the lock screen prevents me from doing that as it asks for a password. Good God, handsome stranger, use your brain!

Oh, the code is 4503. Now you kind of have to answer, though ;)

Within seconds I unlock the phone and open the messenger app, typing my reply as fast as I can. Hey. Did you just say you were on a plane?

I did.

Where exactly are you right now? My anxiety is slowly but surely reaching its peak. This is too unreal.

Chicago, Illinois.

Oh my God. Can this day get any worse?

Another text chimes in. I'm here for two days before I go to New York.

New York? Really?

Wait. When's the next time you will even be in L.A.?

It takes a while for him to reply, and so I just sit there, my fingertips tapping the floor until finally, a new notification pops up. In about one week.

One week? How am I supposed to go without my phone for an entire week? Not that I have a crazy social life—it's the notes, contacts, and especially my dad I'm worried about...

Look. I know this is inconvenient, but I can't afford my phone being completely shut off for a day or two to have it shipped here. Would it be alright if you contacted certain people and gave them your number so they can call me on your phone? I'll do it the other way around.

I think about this for a second. His solution doesn't sound too bad, honestly. That way, everyone who needs to can reach me under his number. But even so, he would have my phone for a week.

Oh, and I promise not to sniff around too much, and that's big coming from me. I'm a genuinely curious person ;)

A hint of a smile crosses my face at his confession. It's not like there's any dirt on my phone that he could uncover, but still... Ugh, get over yourself, Mila.

I guess that's the best solution, isn't it?

Well, people say I'm good at finding solutions.

Wow. I don't even know what else to say to that.

Yeah, I know. I'm full of myself.

I snort at his words. This guy's attitude really is something else.

After we exchange contact information and both have a list of people we need to inform about this situation, I suddenly receive another message.

Oh, and one very important thing. If someone named Hank is calling, please, pretty please, do not pick up the phone.

Whoops. It might be a little late for that... I reply, and I'm honestly not surprised when he doesn't answer for a minute or two.

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