The Siege of Equestria Part 6: A Deadly Swarm

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Just outside of Canterlot Castle, the battle continued to rage. A squad of Droidekas was charging in, taking shots with their shields and gunning down many Imperials. However, their advance was stopped when two TIE Fighters swooped in and fired lasers at the Droids, blowing them up. When they swooped back up, they were both shot down from behind by a Vulture Droid and Y-Wing. Another TIE Fighter came at the two from behind and started firing. They flew back and forth for a bit until the Vulture Droid got hit dead center and exploded. The Y-Wings rear gunner avenged the Droid when he shot down the TIE with two shots. A squad of Rebel Troops and B1s started backing up from behind some crates and fired at some incoming StormTroopers and Imperial Unicorns. As one Rebel Troop did he got shot down. While the Rebel behind him did shoot a StormTrooper in the head after, they suffered more losses, when a B1 was shot in the chest by a StormTrooper and another B1 was blown to bits by a Unicorns blast. Just above these squads was an X-Wing being shot at from behind by a TIE Interceptor. While the X-Wing did spin to the left to try and dodge, the Interceptor did it's own spin to the left and shot at the Rebel Fighter, completely destroying the back half of the ship, and causing the rest of the flaming ship to crash into the ground and ran into some of the retreating Rebel Troops and B1s. Luckily, for the Rebels, before the Imperials could press the offensive, six Commandos jumped over the down Rebel ship and rushed at the Imperials. While the Imperials did open fire, the Commandos jumped around to avoid shots and then fired back, killing five StormTroopers, three with shots to the chest and guts, and two with headshots, two Imperial Earth Ponies with shots to the legs, and one Unicorn with a headshot. A group of ten B1s and five Rebel Troops then charged forward, towards some containers and fired, with a B1 killing a StormTrooper with a shot to the chest. Before reaching the containers, three B1s were shot dead by StormTroopers, with shots to the head, chest, and arms, respectively. The remaining troops in the charge, with three of the Rebels and four of the B1, was crouching down behind the containers to avoid shots, while the others kept firing. A Rebel Troop fired up, shooting an Imperial Pegasus out of the sky, but then got taken out when an Imperial Earth Pony threw a spear into his right side. One of the crouching Rebel Troops jumped up to fire, but was instantly shot in the chest by a StormTrooper. Above them, a TIE Interceptor was shooting at another X-Wing, which spun around to dodge the shots. Then the other X-Wing spun in from the right, got behind the TIE Interceptor, and shot at it. While the TIE dodged the first two shots with a swerve to the left, the next two hit and caused the Imperial vehicle to explode.

Inside Canterlot Castle, Shay continued his Duel with the second Duel Bot.

Duel Bot #2 Turn 5: DB #2 sets a card and then activates Blasting Vein to destroy his face down Burial from a Different Dimension and draw two cards. DB #2 sends Tri-Blaze Accelerator to the GY in order to Special Summon Volcanic Doomfire (3000/1800) in Attack mode. Volcanic Doomfire attacks Force Strix. As Blaze Falcon would be destroyed by battle, Shay activates his face down Quick-Play Spell Overlay Burst Armor, detaching all Overlay Units from Blaze Falcon to prevent it from being destroyed by that battle and reducing the battle damage to 0.

Shay Turn 6: Shay switches Blaze Falcon to Defensive mode and sets a card.

Duel Bot #2 Turn 7: DB #2 activates Fire Recovery to discard Volcanic Counter and Special Summon Volcanic Slicer from his GY in Attack mode. He then activates the effect of Volcanic Slicer to inflict 500 damage to Shay (Shay LP: 2000 -> 1500) at the cost of forbidding Volcanic Slicer from attacking this turn.

As the volcanic monster fired a blast of fire at Shay from its mouth, the young Duelist was sent skidding back a few feet. After recovering from the attack, Shay thought, "This rust buckets getting on my nerves, but I can't waste too much more time here, I've got to regroup with the others. Guess I have no choice now." He got up and started running down the hall, with his cards following, "Come and get me you sorry excuse for a washing machine!"

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