The Siege of Equestria Part 1: The Prologue to War

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On Earth, at Canterlot High School, in front of the Canterlot High School Statue, the HuMane 7, the Mane 7, both Spikes, Yuya, Zuzu, Sora, Shay, Celina, and Moon Shadow all met up. Sunset was asking, "You guys are sure you want to go back now?"

Princess Twilight gave a smile with her reply, "Don't worry, Sunset, will be fine."

Yuya added, "Plus, with the main Rebel forces attacking the Second Death Star, and all the other Rebel units attacking other places this is a good time to retake Equestria right now."

Equestria Pinkie Pie happily said, "And it's not like we're going alone."

A small space ship landed nearby, and out of it came the old Clones Trapper, Long Shot and Slash, alongside the Separatist Super Tactical Droid Commander Kalani and a squad of 20 B1 Battle Droids.

Human Pinkie Pie shouted in excitement, "Clones and Droids working together! I didn't see that one coming!"

Human Applejack asked, "Y'all sure they'll be able to work together?"

Slash said, "Don't worry. It wasn't easy, but we've managed to put our past differences aside."

Kalani added, "Correct. We realized both our sides were just trying to create a better world and the Empire pitted us against each other so it could swoop in, take us all out, and take control of the galaxy through the worst dictatorship ever."

Trapper finished, "So now we're going to stop the Empire before it hurts anyone else, either of our sides care about."

Yuya got on top of the Statue, as the Mane 7, Spike, Clones, Droids, and his fellow Duelist lined up. He then began to say, "Alright, guys, girls, ponies, dragons, robots, and others, this is it. Today we put an end to the Empire and liberate the universe from their evil tyranny. We do this for everyone the Empire hurt. We do this for the dead Jedi, the betrayed Clones and Droids, the dead Separatist, the old Republic, all the planets suffering, all our friends and family. But most importantly we do this because FUCK those DUMBASSES! They don't deserve to win after they hurt so many people. We deserve to win and they deserve to FUCKING lose and suffer for what they've done!"

After the speech, the whole group cheered, and the Humane 7 used their Geoids to open the portal back to Equestria in the Statue. Sunset said, "Alright, just you all be safe, save Equestria, and come back to tell us how you all did it and survived."

Princess Twilight replied, "Don't worry, we will."

The whole team went through the portal, with Yuya shouting as they did, "There's no way we can mess this up!"

On Equestria, in Twilight's Castle, two StormTroopers stood, back facing the Mirror Portal. The one on the left turned to his partner and said, "Want to go grab some grub?"

His partner swiftly told him, "We can't leave or post! From what Celestia says, this Mirror leads directly to Earth, a hot spot of Rebel activity, and while it's deactivated now, it could come back online for an attack, which is why we must constantly keep guard!"

The other Trooper signed, "Man, this portal has not opened in forever! Day after day it's always the same, nothing! No one is ever coming through this-." He was interrupted when the mirror flashed and Twilight, Yuya, and their whole team appeared in the room, with Twilight and Starlight each grabbing a Trooper in a Levitation grip and slamming them into each other, knocking them out.

Twilight smiled, "We're in. Now let's meet up with our friends that are still fighting" she then turned to Kalani, "And then you can call the reinforcements." The Droid nodded, as the team made their way out of the room and into a hall, with Moon Shadow tying up the StormTroopers before joining them.

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