The Reconquest of Equestria

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501st Clone Journal Entry: Although the Clone Wars were over, some just never seem to get the message. A few Separatist loyal planets or Separatist occupied worlds continued to resist Imperial control. Thus, Emperor Palpatine made the mission to Reconquer the Rim a top priority of the new Empire, being led by individuals like Governor Tarkin and Lieutenant Commander Krennic. One of the toughest cases was during the Western Region Campaign, on the planet known as Equestria. The planet had been sadly lost to Separatist control since the beginning of the third year of the war and was still in the hands of the Separatist ally Queen Chrysalis. And Chrysalis had been a busy little bug, reactivating as many of her deactivated Droids as she could and contacting any nearby Separatist allies still active to help her maintain her hold on the planet. That is until a large number of Imperial Forces, including a small detachment of the 501st, was deployed to finally take the planet.

Above the planet of Equestria, sat a Separatist blockade consisting of two Separatist Cruisers and one Trade Federation Supply Ship between them. Onboard the Supply Ship control room sat the Nemodian Mar Tuuk, being flanked by two Nemodian Guards on his left and right, while B1 Droids manned their stations. Mar Tuuk was talking to Queen Chrysalis via a hologram, with the bug-like queen telling him, "You had better be able to maintain that blockade, Captain Mar. I will not lose control of Equestria after I worked so hard with the Separatists to claim it."

Mar nonchalantly stated, "Do not worry, thanks to the resources we salvage, including the Battle Droids we reactivated and the civilian ponies we hold as hostages, we should be fine." Chrysalis could only shrug as the hologram of her disappeared.

After which, a B1 Droid came over and told Mar, "Sir, we are detecting several ships coming out of Hyperspace."

Just then, four Star Destroys came out of Hyperspace in front of the blockade. Onboard the lead Star Destroyer was Governor Tarkin being flanked by General Hurst Romodi and the Imperial Admiral with a cybernetic left eye and right arm known as, Terrinald Screed. Takin told the pair, "It's time for another planet to learn how foolish it is to oppose the order of the Empire!" He turned to Hurst, "General Romodi, you will be in charge of the group assault." Nodding, Hurst took off to get ready, while Tarkin turned to Terrinald, "Admiral Screed, you will be aiding me in the space battle and aerial control of the planet."

He clutched his cybernetic hand hard and smiled, "It will be my pleasure, Governor Tarkin!"

Soon enough, TIE Fighters, TIE Interceptors, and TIE Bombers flew out of the higher bays and towards the Separatist ships, which deployed their own Vulture Fighters and HMP Droid Gunships. The stars exploded with fiery battle. Three TIE Fighters were flying behind three Vulture Droids and fired rapidly, eventually destroying the three Droids. However, two more Vulture Droids came at them from behind and fired missiles, which took out two of the TIE's. By the Trade Federation Battleships, three TIE Fighters and two TIE Interceptors were firing at it from above, but it's cannon's fired back and destroyed the three TIE Fighters. The TIE Interceptors swooped up to dodge the blasts and then fire some missiles at the central communication center, destroying it. The two then got fired at from behind by two Vulture Droids, but they spun around to dodge the shots. Then two more TIE Interceptors showed up from behind and blasted the two Vulture Droids to bits. Another two TIE Fighters were being shot at from behind by three Vulture Droids, but fortunately for them, a TIE Interceptor leading two other TIE Fighters swooped in from the left and fired at the Droids, annihilating them. However, then the five were fired at by five more Vulture Droids and six Droid Gunships, with the Vulture Droids destroying two TIE Fighters and the rest getting blown up by the Gunships. The eleven Droids then made their way to Tarkin's ship.

On the Trade Federation Ship, the Commander Droid reported, "Boarding parties are approaching the enemy command ship."

Mar smiled, "Good. It's time to take a more powerful enemy ship."

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