The Siege of Equestria Part 5: Multiple Battlefronts

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The battle in the cold vacuum of space continued to heat up, as five X-Wings passed by one of the Separatist Cruisers they were fired upon by a pair of TIE Interceptors behind them, destroying two of the X-Wings. Luckily, the other three spun their ships upward and got behind the TIEs and began chasing and firing at them, taking out one of them. Three Y-Wings were also being chased by three TIE Boomers and avoiding shots. Five Vulture Droids also avoided shots as they passed by a Star Destroyers cannons while being fired at from behind by three TIE Fighters. Over with five Y-Wings, they approached a Star Destroyer and opened fire, but the Star Destroyer used it's cannons to fire and destroy one of the Y-Wings, causing it to crash into the Cruiser and explode. The remaining four then swooped in near the Star Destroyers center and fired ion torpedoes at the Imperial ship. After exploding and damaging the ship, electrical surges sparked from the whole Star Destroyer, before it's engines and it stopped.

Onboard the Separatist Supply Ship, the Tactical Droid translated for Klik-Klak, "That Star Destroyer has been disabled! Attack now!"

Two Separatist Cruisers rushed in and started firing at the damaged Star Destroyer from both sides. The Star Destroyer was overwhelmed by flames and eventually exploded. However, the victory was short-lived, as another Star Destroyer swooped in and unloaded multiple laser blasts at the Cruiser on the left, destroying it in a similar kind of explosion. A squad of three X-Wings and three Y-Wings then rushed at the Star Destroyer in question, only for one of the Y-Wings to be instantly blown to bits by the Star Destroyers cannons. As the others swooped in on the Imperial Cruisers left, they swerved to avoid shots from the Star Destroyers cannons and returned fire, destroying two canons. A third was taken out by a bomb fired at it from a Y-Wing. Another one soon followed from a missile launched by an X-Wing. As the Rebel ships kept going, another laser blast from a cannon took out the left wing of an X-Wing, causing it to spin out of control and crash right near the side of the Star Destroyer and explode. The remaining four ships pulled away on the left, as the cannons kept desperately trying to hit them.

On the planet, in Canterlot, the Rebel forces started to fall back a bit, to avoid shots from the other AT-AT. Two Vulture Droids headed straight for the Imperial Vehicle, only for the one on the right to be shot down by its lasers and smash into the ground. The other swooped up to avoid the same fate. Then an X-wing and Y-wing came on the AT-AT's left and shot at its sides, but their blasts had no effect. They flew over the AT-AT, only to then be fired at from above by three TIE Fighters, which hit the Y-wing in the center, causing a small explosion that split it in half. Getting behind the X-Wing they then started firing, with the X-Wing spinning to avoid shots. The AT-AT turned its attention to the three Separatist Landing Craft and started firing rapidly, nailing the one in the center several times before it completely exploded. Seeing this, AppleJack turned to Rainbow Dash, tossed her some lassos, smirked, and said, "How 'bout we teach these invaders how we round up troublemakers."

Rainbow shot her a smile and then super sped at the AT-AT, tying the ropes all around its legs five times. As the Imperial vehicle tried to move, ti's legs could no longer move, causing it to fall headfirst into the ground. The Rebel forces cheered and charged forth, with a Vulture Droid passing by and shooting the down AT-AT in the neck, blowing its head up and leading to a chain reaction that consumed the rest of the Imperial vehicle in fire.

The Separatist Landing Craft then landing in front of the charging Rebel troops, deploying Rebel Troops, being led by a Rodian and a Besalisk alien, B1 Battle Droids, and Droidekas that rushed at the Imperial forces guarding the entryway to the courtyard to Canterlot Castle, with the other Rebels cheering and joining the charge. The Besalisk shouted, "For the old Republic!"

A B1 added, "For the Separatists!"

Then a Unicorn Rebel Pony jumped, "For Equestria!"

A female Rebel troop finished, "And for the entire Galaxy!"

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