Chapter 18

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"You're my mate Y/n." Taehyung

I was shocked beyond belief. I didn't know how to react as Taehyung looks at me nervously after he spoke his admission. It would defiantly make sense of some of his actions with me I guess, but for how long has he known?

"I know it's a lot to take it Y/n and I'm sorry to spring this on you like this but I was finding it hard to keep a secret from you. The more time I spent with you the more I wanted to be with you when you weren't around me." Taehyung

I stared down at our linked hands trying to put all the pieces together. I mean I'm human and Taehyung is a wolf, not just any but a future alpha at that. Wait!

Does that mean I'll be the future Luna then if I chose to be with him?

Who am I kidding, choose?

I already want to be with him if he were to ask but it seems like he already has sight on me as I already know of mates and such. But it seems to good to be true. At this point in time I wish I could speak there so much I actually want to say, to ask him but I cant.

"I know what you're thinking Y/n and I don't care. I don't care if you cant speak, just to have you by my side is enough and anyone that has a problem with that will have to answer to me." Taehyung

But still some people might not like me as their Luna because I'm human and that I cant speak. It would be hard and I'm afraid. I tugged my hands to try and release myself from Taehyung but the wouldn't let me. Instead he pulls me closer to him to the point I stumbled forward to collided my face to his chest.

"You're my mate Y/n and nothing else matter about what everyone thinks. They'll have to accept it, that is if you accept it." Taehyung

He allows me to pull back a little from him to be able to look up at him in worry. I'm scared it's big position and I'm not a wolf so I don't feel that tight bond that he would feel, I just feel what I di from the heart. No mate thing just how I've always felt, but now I cant help that he only likes me because of this, what if I wasn't his mate? It would be different right and he would still be with Yeri.

"Y/n please, it's not what you're thinking. I know what you're thinking and it's honestly more than the bond." Taehyung

I gave him a how so kind of look and he sighs licking his lips becoming very nervous all over again.

"I've always liked you. I pulled away from you when we were younger because I was trying to prepare myself for when I found my mate but later to find out that I may not ever have a mate and then to find out again on your birthday that you were and you are my mate, if you'll accept me. No pressure though." Taehyung

He presses a nervous smile, trying to ease my sudden negative thoughts. I shouldn't be thinking this way, I should be over the moon to which I am but it's hard for me to believe this is all really happening. I've always had a thing for Taehyung, that's never changed and nothing will change it.

"Believe it or not Y/n but it's very real. I can't stand you being away from me. I've wanted nothing more than to be with you of every second of every day. To keep you safe, to be by my side when I take over the position as alpha, to be my sole comfort in life as I would be yours. We can lean on one another through our troubles and I would be able to smother you with the love you deserve." Taehyung

He defiantly knows how to use his words and they were working very well. What he says sounds amazing and I would love that but to think I would be Luna as a human who cant speak I'd like to ween into things first not go announcing everything to the whole pack.

"I do understand if you want to take things slow Y/n. No rush I wouldn't want you to be uncomfortable. Though I have to warn you that my parents know, and your parents and Jisoo and....all of my close friends." Taehyung

He giggles at he looks up at the tree with all the lights as if he's thinking about everyone that knows with a bright smile upon his face. It sounds like almost everyone knew except me....but wait! Namjoon!!

I gasp snatching my hands from his to cover my mouth with sudden guilt. Namjoon has been my date tonight and here I am with Taehyung as he tells me I'm his mate. How would he feel about that?

"Don't worry about Namjoon, Y/n. He knew about this and he knew what I was going to tell you tonight. He's okay with it honestly, if you don't believe me you could ask him when we go back in." Taehyung

I nod firmly thinking that I would just so I know and I don't feel so guilty about this. Namjoon's a great guy and I wouldn't want to hurt him in anyway.

"Y/n I'm offended, you actually don't believe me? I wouldn't lie to you." Taehyung

He plastered a fake smile to his face with his hand over his heart as he tried to not laugh but I silently laughed and playfully pushed him back but instead he grabs my wrist again and pulls me closer once more.

"Seriously though Y/n, I meant everything I said tonight. I would gladly have you as my mate if you would have me, even if we have to keep it quiet for the mean time I would do it if it means I would have you for the rest of my life." Taehyung

That sounds like a marriage proposal in a way but I blush heavily to hear how sincere he was with his words. I'm truly touched, and yes I want to be his mate but on the down low for now, we'll see with time how others in the pack react.

"So Y/n what I want to ask you not that my intentions and feelings are clear I would like to ask you if you'd be my girlfriend?" taehyung

He's too sweet it's cute. I nodded eagerly without question and leaped onto him with my hands around his neck and without thinking I place my lips on his. It took him by surprise as it did me also. I was too caught up in the moment and just kissed him without fully thinking of my actions. It took a few seconds before he responded to my kiss though with a smile and wrapped his arms around my waist to keep me close. At first it was simple yet gentle until Taehyung let out a possessive growl that made me giggle in this inside at just how easy it seems to get him worked up already. I think I'm gonna like this.

I forced myself away from his lips that were so desperate for my taste that he didn't want me to pull away but let out another warning growl that I didn't find as threatening at all. I found it amusing. I linked out foreheads together so I could look into his eyes that were swirling pools of brown and red.

"I'll take that as a yes." Taehyung

Oh he's got that right. I'll be his girlfriend. Now Kim Taehyung future alpha of this pack was my boyfriend. Could this get any better?

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