Chapter 17

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I was so excited about tonight!!

Tonight is the night of the dance and we getting ready at Jisoo house. I've been spending so much time here I might as well live here but my parents are here but there currently in the living room waiting with Jisoos parents.

Namjoon was also meeting us here at the house along with the other guys who were also coming. All of us were going together but Namjoon was still my date so it all still works out pretty good.

Jisoo helped me with my make up since I'm not really one for doing make up, I was more into the hair so I did my own hair and hers as she did both our make up. She was just as excited as I was about tonight but I also grew more nervous when Jisoo told me all the guys were ready and waiting in the living room with our parents.

Though she had to drag me out her bedroom Since I suddenly became really nervous to the point I felt like I could throw up and it's not like I haven't done this before. I have, there's a dance every year it's just I get nervous every time but have fun when I get there.

We walked all the way to the stairs and down to the living room to where I could hear the boys already railed up and excited telling by their laughter though even before coming around the corner to enter the room I could hear Taehyung harshly shushing them. Maybe Jisoo told him we're about to come in?

As we entered the room at first I was greeted to my dad spreading his arms open wide for me in a massive hug as my mom came to join him.

"Ah y/n, seeing you dressed like this always reminds me how you're no longer a little girl anymore." Dad

"My baby." Mom

She cooes at me joining our hug as Jisoo speaks with her parents about the plans of tonight. After the hugs we pulled apart  and the boys rushed over all ready to go.

"Great shall we go now?!" Hoseok

He claps his hands excitedly all ready making his way out the door with Yoongi and a giggling Jungkook.

"Jisoo I'll walk you to the car." Jin

He held out his arm for the blushing Jisoo who shyly took his arm and they proceeded to walk out the house after Jisoo said her goodbyes to her parents. Namjoon approaches me with a little cute wave and his evident dimpled smile on his face.

"Hello y/n, you look beautiful tonight." Namjoon

I smiled and thanked him with a nod suddenly feeling all bashful and nervous all over again. My parents giggled to one another stepping further back to watch our interaction to now stand with jisoos mom and dad.

Namjoon hand snook around my waist as he looks down at me but there was a grumble that erupted form across the room that gained everyone's attention. All sights turned to Taehyung who was glaring at Namjoon until he awkwardly faked coughed and cleared his throat before he smiles and walks out the house without another word as Jimin stays close to him.

Shrugging to what happened I waved off my parents and walked outside to the car that was waiting for us. The school is not too far away yet what's a dance without some sort of transport so outside there was two cars. We'll have to split up in two groups.

Yoongi, Hoseok, Jisoo, Jungkook and Jin managed to squeeze into one car while myself, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin fit into another.

Within minutes we were at the school for the dance and we entered the massive hall that was filled with people already and flashing lights and loud music. It wasn't slow dancing music it was booming upbeat music that you could just do any type of dancing to.

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