𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕪 𝕤𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕟

Start from the beginning

Chaeyoung nodded in agreement, sitting up from her previous position of being sprawled out against the cold floor so she was now facing the two boys, "I agree with Jimin, I mean, seriously though, you're talented. And I know you know that too, so don't hold back from telling yourself that. Okay?" She smiled, the unfeigned sweetness ringing through her voice only bringing warmth to Hoseok's cheeks, a smile eventually playing on his lips.

He really did love them both with all of his heart.

"Thanks guys," he blushed, bashfully looking away towards the ground in best attempts to ignore eye contact from either of them.

It wasn't anything personal, of course, he just wasn't the best at taking compliments since he was one to easily get flustered or embarrassed from too much attention.

"Of course," Jimin chimed, bringing his best friend into a side hug despite how sweaty or smelly the two of them were from dancing. Eventually, Chaeyoung joined in as well, the three of them now just melting into the hug. None of them really noticing the five minute break slowly dwindle down to its last second, as reality hit them like the back of a truck once the teacher yelled at them to get into starting positions.

So, putting their restlessness aside, everyone just toughened up and portrayed themselves as though they weren't just panting for air like their lives depended on it the second before.

Because really, their lives did depend on it.

Almost no breaks spared their glistening faces and drenched clothing for nearly the past hour and a half, since being on a very high-level and advanced upperclassmen dance team in high school was insanely cruel.

No mercy was given, and the students had no right to complain either since they all knew exactly what they were getting themselves into beforehand.

So, sucking in their last breath of air and collecting any remaining trickle of energy rushing through their veins, they exerted those last signs of liveliness into the six, almost seven, minute routine.

All while wearing fake smiles or stern expressions on their dying faces.

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And just like that, the next forty five minutes or so passed just like that; though with every twitch of the second hand on the clock displayed on the wall, time only got slower and slower, everyone's pulsing hearts just begging for the dreadful dance session to come to an end.

As much as dance was their burning passion, and no matter how much they loved it with all of their hearts, the juniors and seniors in the room were still human.

And humans had limits, even if it seemed like extremely motivated and driven dancers with bulging leg muscles and perfectly toned stomachs didn't have any. It was an illusion meant to trick the minds of the audience sat in front of the stage to thinking that, from the dancers' flawless and painless-looking movements as performed on stage.

But alas, those painfully fake smiles showing off their teeth only covered up their crippling souls hidden beneath all those fluid and mind deceiving turns and leaps.

A smile a boy of the name Jung Hoseok used far too much, just to diminish the worriment shown on his concerned friends' faces to ensure that everything was alright.

That he was alright.

And it worked.

"Alrightttt," the teacher enthusiastically chirped, maybe a little too enthusiastically seeing that her fellow students were close to passing out, "good job everyone! You're officially done for the day and can start packing up now. Just remember to KEEP practicing at home, the competition is only a few weeks away and if you guys keep this up, you're sure to perform well," she finished off, giving all her slowly drifting away pupils a motivational thumbs up, before walking back to the speakers.

The dance completion was between ten participating high schools, all known for their reputations of being insanely and remarkably talented, and never failing to take the audience's breaths away.

Of course, only Jimin really knew their history regarding their rivalry against their main competition  schools, as Hoseok and Chaeyoung were new students who only arrived that year.

So, due to their spiraling curiosities, Jimin had filled them both in about how competitions worked at their school and which teams you were required to look out for the most.

Since some of the students were absolutely brutal, and did not hold back from sending students from opposing schools intimidating or snarky glares, ones filled with vain to the brim.

Which only made Hoseok gulp with worry, yet those negative thoughts soon diminished as he swallowed up with pride, knowing fully well that their school would beat all their asses.

Or, he hoped at least.

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Since any form of exercise or working out usually bumped up Hoseok's appetite to its upmost climax, he figured it wouldn't hurt to ask Chaeyoung and Jimin if they'd like to go out for a quick lunch together as soon as they all packed their things up and changed out of their sweaty clothes.

"Minnie, Chae do you guys wanna catch a quick lunch or something? I'm starving," Hoseok chuckled, running up to his two friends ago turned around to meet his twinkling gaze.

But much to his dismay, the two of them were unfortunately busy afterwards, since Jimin had to run some errands for his parents at a few places while Chaeyoung was strictly restricted to going home right away and spending the rest of the afternoon studying.

It slightly broke their hearts to tell Hoseok this, since the boy's big innocent eyes gleamed with excitement while offering his suggestion, but he reassured them that it was fine and maybe they could do it some other time.

"Maybe try asking someone else?" Chaeyoung suggested softly, wrapping an comforting arm around Hoseok who was deeply considering it and pondering on who he would ask.

I mean, he did have a lot of choice since there we five others he could ask.

"Oh yeahhhhh, I'm pretty sure they all should be free," Jimin piped in, seconding Chaeyoung's statement.

Hoseok nodded at this, thanking his friends for the idea before waving their last goodbyes as the two left the dance studio, their bodies slowly disappearing into the abyss the further they walked away down the street.

Taking a moment to reconsider Chaeyoung's original idea, a person of who to ask finally popped up in his head, a small smile subconsciously forming at the corners of his lips as the specific boy came to mind.

Hoseok was just praying that he was busy, but of course he knew basketball was a huge part in this certain someone's life and occupied the majority of their weekend.

So, with a little bit of hesitation but mostly hope, Hoseok's fingers hastily typed out a quick text as he patiently waited for a response.

annoying ass bitch


if u cant it's totally fine tho 🤩🥺😔🤠👉👈

just lmk ༼ つ ◕◡◕ ༽つ


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🍓hehe ( ˘ ³˘)♥
🍼thank you for reading!! 💖💖
🍓editor/assistant: jiminie_cricket_

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