I could recognise that hand anywhere; Siyeon.

"Bora" I quickly turned around and I embraced her.

" I thought I had lost you. Don't ever leave me again, please." I said in between sobs. She slowly caressed my back to comfort me.

"I'm here, okay. And I'm staying here, with you" She pulled me back from the embrace, so we could face each other.

"I love you." I said looking down. She lifted my chin so she could look me in the eye.

"Bora, I love you too. I feel the same way." She said smiling at me.

"Maybe a kiss would convince me." She smiled and leaned closer until our lips met. Our lips moved in synchronisation until we had to break to catch our breath again.

When we separated, the place was no longer a long dark place but it was beautiful meadow full blue roses. Not too far away there was a huge tree with a shining entry.

"Wow. It's beautiful." I was left speechless by the beauty of the landscape.

"It almost look like heaven" She whispered next to me.

Oddly the tree was appealing me to come closer but it was not in a threatening way, it was reassuring. Without even noticing it we were slowly heading toward the huge tree. As we were about to reach the entry, she suddenly stopped making me stop as well. I looked at her and she seemed to be deep in thought.

"Is there something wrong?" she sighted.

"What if it's trap?"

"Does it feel like it's a trap?" she moved her head from side to side to deny.

"Then if it doesn't it must be fine if we go in and if anything bad happen I will be there with you, okay?" she softly noded. "I will never leave you."

"You swear?" she said showing me her pinky finger.

"I swear" I said while I took her pinky finger in mine.


The next morning the rest of the girls woke up as usual but the only difference was that now they were only four of them alive. As always the girls met at the same table were they would usually eat breakfast. Seeing that two of their friends were missing as well made them imagine the worst case scenario. 

At first they thought of telling the director but remembering about how little he cared about Yoohyeon disappearance made them think that he wouldn't care as well. So they decided that the best was to check out their rooms but there was nothing unusual. They checked other spot where they could possibly be but they were nowhere to be seen.

Minji fell down to the floor and she started to cry.

"First Yoohyeon, now them. What next someone else that I love." her voice broke while she was crying.

We all sat next to her to comfort her.

"Maybe they did runaway. Maybe they have joined Yoohyeon, maybe they have found a better place than here." Gahyeon said while she didn't really believe what she was saying herself.

" You know they aren't like that. They would have at least told us why." Dami said.

"What if they were killed?" Jiu said shaking, just with the thought of that.

"They can't be. It's- It's not possible." Gahyeon teared up.

"If something has happened to them we will figure it out and the person who is guilty will pay for it." Dami said seriously.

Even thought Dami might look like it doesn't affect her at all, she actually care deeply about the others and everyone in general. She just doesn't want other people to see her as weak. Since my room is next to hers I can sometimes hear her crying softly.

The night after Yoohyeon disappearance she cried all night. I just wish I could have hugged her that night and that I had told her that it was okay.

I hugged Dami from the side. She looked at me confused but she didn't say anything. I started to cry too, realising that I would probably never see them again. I miss them already. Yoohyeon, Bora and Siyeon.

After almost an hour we calmed down a little bit. Minji looked paler than usual, she almost looked like a ghost. Gahyeon didn't look good either, her eyes were red and her hair was messy too. I myself probably don't look much better than them anyway. Dami in the other hand looked like always but I knew that was just a mask.

Before anyone could react Jiu fell down to the ground unconscious.


I hope you have enjoyed this chapter as well

I am sorry again for the delay.

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Bye see you next time.

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