Oneshot: To Hadrian

Start from the beginning

'Well.' Lucius said stiffly. 'I'm doing good. How about you, Riddle?'

Elias sighed. 'Back to last names again, Lucy? I really thought we were past that by now.'

Lucius' wand hand twitched. 'It's that we're in public, Riddle, but I warn you. One more of these impudent jabs and I will make you regret it.'

'Lucius!' Narcissa gasped. 'Calm yourself!' But it was too late, as Elias took one last step closer and bent over to purr into Lord Malfoy's ear.

'Are you... threatening me, Lucius dear?'

Lucius stood ramrod straight and stared straight ahead of himself. 'Of course not. I... apologize.'

For a minute, there was a terse silence as Elias stepped half a step backwards and stared at Lucius intently. Suddenly though, he broke out into an easy smile. 'No worries. I'm sure you didn't mean anything with it.'

Lucius smiled tightly. At his wife's jab into the soft flesh of his side, he gritted out: 'Nothing at all.'

Elias smiled at Narcissa. 'Anyways. Lovely talk, dear, and congratulations on Draco's placement. I'm afraid I must go -you know how it is- but I wish you all the best.'

After Narcissa graciously thanked him, Elias walked away quickly. The reason for his departure became evident only seconds later for everyone else, as from around the corner they started to feel the tangible wisps of the Dark Lord's magic. Elias, having honed his magical sensitivity tot he extreme, was the first approach him.

Voldemort looked at Elias with a mildly amused gaze. 'Elias. I almost thought you wouldn't show.'

Elias smirked. 'Wouldn't miss it for the life of me.' He gestured vaguely to the party going on behind him. 'Nice party you got going on, by the way. Good booze, too.'

'You haven't tried any yet,' Voldemort answered easily.

'True,' Elias conceded with a shrug, 'but your taste in whiskey has yet to fail me. On another note, when does the ceremony start?'

Voldemort looked at Elias for a second, seemingly deep in thought. 'You already know that,' he said. 'I thought this time it was kept under wraps better.'

'It was,' Elias said, 'but the Death Eater who took our coats had a pathetic Occlumency shield. I just couldn't resist.'

To anyone else it would seem that Voldemort was unaffected, but Elias detected a mildly disappointed twitch of the Dark Lord's mouth. 'I see. So you know it is in about ten minutes then.'

Elias inclined his head. 'I had hoped for the pleasure to mislead you, but unfortunately it seems we are evenly matched.'

Voldemort's eye twitched. 'Go enjoy the festivities, Elias.'

Knowing when enough was enough, Elias nodded and excused himself, finding a place to oversee the proceedings without having to indulge others with small-talk. He ended up near Voldemort's throne-like chair, just close enough that people weren't inclined to talk too much, but far away enough that he didn't seem rude. He was, after all, one of the only people not a Death Eater but still invited.

After a few minutes it quieted down substantially as the great doors, which had remained closed previously, opened. Behind the door were about ten people who were, in typical Death Eater fashion, dressed in black cloaks with big hoods. They were wearing blank masks.

At a twitch of the Dark Lord's hand, they walked forth in unity, a path cleared between them and Voldemort. It was completely quiet now. Everyone was watching the proceedings avidly, not daring to move even one muscle.

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