Nothing quite like dying

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Authors note:
For some reason I felt really inspired, so I did this chapter in only a day-and-a-half. Quite proud of that. This chapter does have mention of death and maybe slight mention of abuse so be warned for that, further there's not really a lot to say.

Disclaimer: not mine, Rowling's. Otherwise GinnyxHarry would never have happened.


Harry was getting increasingly more worried, as he was conscious and coherent, but clearly still inside of the Horcrux. He couldn't see anything and he had no idea how to get back to his own body. It was like he was in an endless expanse of nothingness, seeing nothing, hearing nothing. To his great worry, he couldn't sense his magic either.

He floated around for a bit, aimless, but noticed there were certain... currents going through the huge expanse of nothingness. He was floating a specific way, and only went another way if he really put his mind to it.

As he didn't really have anything to lose, he decided to just go with the flow- literally- and just follow this current until he ended up somewhere interesting.

He went along for what he thought was about three hours- he had always had a good internal clock- until he felt like the stream was slowing down, like he was pooping out somewhere.

Eventually he came to a complete stop, and was surprised to finally feel something other than himself. It was like a soft barrier, kind of like the Horcrux he had in himself qua texture. It was, just like everything else here, pitch black, but he could push his hand through it, just like he could with the Horcrux in his head. Experimentally, he pushed his head through.

He was immediately assaulted by a wild variety of colors, smells, sounds and other sensations. He tried to move, spasming wildly as he found that he had no limbs. For a moment he panicked, but he soon reprimanded himself as he had perfectly fine Occlumency walls and this really shouldn't have been necessary.

Harry quickly calmed and tried to figure out where he was.

He felt a familiar magic in the air. It was slightly like Sirius' magic, but darker and older. Ah. Of course. The Black townhouse.

Harry's mind went blank for a bit. He couldn't for the life of him figure out what on earth he was doing in Sirius' old house.

He was quite confused for a bit, but he soon put the pieces together. As the "soul" streamed in different directions and he was now in Grimmauld's place 12, where he knew for a fact that a Horcrux was, Harry was reasonably sure that the soul streamt to the different Horcruxes.

He gave a relieved sigh. Thank Merlin for small blessings. At least now he didn't have to search his way completely randomly throughout the dark void that Voldemort called soul.

Harry's plan, if you could even call it that, was simple. If he just drifted along the current, he was pretty sure that eventually he would just end up in his own body again.

The good thing about this whole thing was that this way he could easily make sure that his body stayed dead for long enough, but the bad thing was that he had absolutely no idea what was happening on Voldemort's side whilst Harry was digging around in his soul, and if it could possibly endanger Harry. He chose to take his risks though, and simply pushed off the "wall" and made his way further along.

After a few mishaps, ending up in respectively three different forms throughout the country, Harry thought he had finally made his way back to his own body. For the thousandth time, he heaved our an annoyed sigh. He had just thought about the fact that he actually did have to go back to the Dursley's to alter their memories. Didn't want Dumbles to sniffle about business that wasn't his own, right? Sloppy, sloppy he thought to himself, mentally frowning for seeing such an obvious fault in his plan only when it was almost to late.

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