Money is, well, money!

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Author's note:
Hey people. Thanks for reading! This chapter has mentions of violence and torture, and careless talk by the characters about said things. I would like to clarify that torture of violence is not to be taken as lightly as my characters do, because this is just a book so people are replaceable, but the real world isn't like that. Now that that obvious stuff is out of the way, let's proceed with the chapter shall we?

Disclaimer: I don't own anything of what I'm writing except for my plot and OC's unfortunately.


Over the next few days, not a lot happened. Fudge agreed to a meeting with Elias in Hogsmeade, which was fun. Harry had some quality time tormenting the bullies at the orphanage to release some pent-up stress. He also pickpocketed a bit more, just to have a good starting kapital. He ended up with around 50 galleons more. But then, there had been the incident with some low level Death Eaters, just as Harry had predicted.

Elias was walking down Knockturn Alley. He had to pick up some slightly illegal potion ingredients, as he wanted to make a couple of enhancement potions so that he could keep his disguise on longer without feeling fatigued.

He had a hunch, though he couldn't see anyone, that he was being followed. Therefore, he decided to go into a dark little alley branching off of Knockturn. He calmly walked into the dead-ended alley and, once a good ten meters in, started firing some stunners randomly behind him. They were completely overpowered spells, so they went quite easily through the weak shields someone had quickly constructed. Within two minutes, all his shadowers were out.

They had made use of some simple camouflage charms, easily nullified with a couple finite incantatem's. Elias didn't recognize the people, but he was reasonably sure they were Death Eater trainees. They were two boys and a girl, all of them around twenty years old, with the typical Death Eater clothing. Stunned and visible, they looked rather pathetic. Elias de-stunned the girl's eyes, and lifted her eyelids so that he could use Legilimency on her.

Her name was Tyna. She was twenty-one years old and her birthday was on the 27 of March. Elias was not interested in that though. He dug deeper, searching for memories from the last couple of days.

Aha. It seemed that she, together with the boys, had been summoned to Voldemort. This was to be their first big mission. They had been asked to kill him.

Hah. Laughable. Asking untrained twenty-year-olds to kill a fully trained assassin? That was like a recipe for disaster on the side of the twenty-year-olds. Elias chuckled darkly.

Anyways, they had been asked to kill him, and immediately set out to Borgin&Burkes, where they asked the shopkeeper to keep an eye out for him. They had received a message from the shopkeeper- Borgin- and immediately came here to find and kill Elias.

Elias re-froze her and sat down, pondering on what to do next. He had to show Voldemort not to mess with him, but at the same time not overdo it. He didn't want Voldemort to retaliate.

Eventually, he had a plan he thought would work just fine. He gathered up the frozen trainees and Apparated them to the foyer of Voldemort's place.

Without any regards for the stray Death Eaters hanging around, he easily made his way to Voldemort's meeting room, levitating the frozen bodies behind him.

Just like last time, he swiftly opened the door and stepped in the room.

'Voldemort.' He nodded once to show his respect.

He deposited the adolescences in a corner and made his way to the table, where he calmly slid into a chair.

'Next time you send people to kill me, at least have them provide me a bit of a challenge. Those nitwits were out in maybe a minute.'

Next Time Around Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora