Chapter 23

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Monday 12th August 1963

19 years, this week is just awful. Joe, I can’t believe you’ve been gone that long. I don’t know how Jackie can put on such a strong face. When I go to hug John I get tears in my eyes. The only thing that keeps me calm is the beach…. Going back to Washington will be difficult.

Jack was walking along the beach in slacks and a polo shirt. He was thinking of Joe. It was 19 years today since his plane had been shot down during the war. It was early, just after dawn.

The waves soaked his bare feet as he walked. He was in a sombre mood, from the events of the last few days. He watches out at the sea when he hears a voice. “This is early for you.”

“Mum?” Jack asked turning to look at her. She smiled and stood beside him. “It’s peaceful.” Rose commented.

Jack nodded. “The way Joe liked it.”

“You’ve not had an easy week.” Rose said taking his arm. “I know how you feel; I’ve lost two children and Rosemary.”

“I’ve never known such a feeling of sadness.”

“You need to be strong, lean on Jackie as she leans on you. It’ll help.”

Jack nodded. He was confused; his Mother was never so comforting. “Mum?” Jack asked quietly.


“Joe should have been President.”

“Jack!” Rose exclaimed. “If Joe had been President, you wouldn’t be the man you are today, you wouldn’t be married nor have wonderful children. Things worked out well for you.”

He nodded. “Thanks Mum, I need to go see Jackie.”

She smiled. She had never seen her son so lost.

When Jack arrived at Jackie’s room she was standing looking out the window. “Kid?” Jack asked closing the door.

She turned and embraced him. “I was thinking.”

“About what?”

“Joe,” She replied.

“You never met him.”

“I know, but Jack, we wouldn’t be in the White House or married.” She kissed his cheek. “I love you.”

“I love you too.”

She nuzzled his neck. He wrapped her arms around him and kissed her cheek. He knew she was still in pain.

I know my life would be different if Joe hadn’t died, but he was my brother I wish he was still here. I’m glad Jackie’s getting stronger, but she is sad, I need to cheer her up.

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