Chapter 11

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Thursday 14th February 1963

Today is Valentine’s Day, I’ve got a wonderful surprise for Jackie and a nice night planned but first I have to survive another day with Bobby and Lyndon and their endless bickering about Vietnam.

After somehow witnessing Bobby nearly strangling Lyndon, Jack had made it up to the residence some time just after seven. When he walked in Jackie appeared in a red dress. “Bunny,” She whispered embracing him. He put his arms around her and rested his head on her shoulder. “You okay Kid?”

“Yeah you?”


She smiled and took his hand. “I’ll be right back.” Jack said. He disappeared into his room and took his suit jacket and tie off. He unbuttoned his shirt and slipped Jackie’s present in his pocket. When he re-joined her, he guided her to the dining room.

“Jack.” Jackie gasped. The table had a rose on it with candles. “It’s beautiful.” She smiled sitting down.

Jack grinned and sat down opposite. Over dinner he was quiet but enjoyed listening to his wife giving him the latest New York gossip.

“Jack, you’re awful quiet tonight.”

He reached across and took her hand. “It’s just I’m tired.”

She smiled and rubbed his hand. “This is for you.” She slid a parcel across the table. Jack looked at it. “It’s an odd shape.” He commented.

“Open it.” Jackie giggled.

He slowly tore off the paper. He smiled when he saw what it was. “I love it, thank you.” He exclaimed looking at the sketch pad she’d got him.

She blushed.

“This is for you.” Jack said giving her a black velvet box. When she opened it, her eyes widened. “Jack! It’s gorgeous.” She exclaimed. He got up and helped her put the emerald necklace on. “I just knew it would bring out your eyes.”

She gingerly placed her hands on his cheeks and kissed him deeply. He moaned softly, when his hands made their way to her hips. “God Jackie.” He groaned.

She giggled and stood up not breaking their kiss. Jack guided her to their room and gently helped her lie down. She pulled him down beside her. As she nuzzled his neck, he closed his eyes in pleasure. “Jackie….” He gasped.

She giggled and rolled on top of him. He quickly became a moaning mess. They made love.

Afterwards Jackie was breathing heavy. “Bunny,” she breathed kissing his chest. He smiled and held her close. “I love you.”

“Love you too.”

Jackie fell asleep with her head on his chest. He gingerly stroked her hair. He cuddled into her and fell asleep too; there would soon be the sleepless nights with the new baby he thought.

Tonight was perfect, Jackie loved her necklace. It was worth the price tag. I must practice my drawing skills but finding the time may be difficult.

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