Chapter 18

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Saturday 22nd June 1963

I’m excited; today I embark on my trip to Germany, Ireland and Italy. As fun as it’ll be, I’m worried about leaving Jackie but I know Janet and my Mum will look after her.

It was just before nine. Jack and Jackie were standing at Andrews Air Force Base. “I’ll miss you Bunny,” Jackie whispered hugging him.

“I’ll miss you too.” He replied.

She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him tenderly. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” He said stroking her cheek.

She smiled and let go of his hand. “Have fun.”

“I’ll bring you back something nice.” He called walking up the steps of Air Force One.

Over his days in Germany Jack’s main highlight was his visit to the Berlin Wall. As he was guided up to the platform to give his speech, he could see the difference between East and West. The west side of the wall was painted and drawn on but the East was blank. It was a shock. He gazed up and down the wall looking at the armoured guards of the Soviets.

“Mr. President.” Kenny nudged him.

He turned too looked at his chief of staff. “Yeah?”

“The speech.”

He nodded and looked down at the paper in his hands. He was about to start when he glanced at the east side and saw a ground gathering to hear him. He swallowed the lump in his throat and began to speak.

“All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin. And, therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words "Ich bin ein Berliner." Jack said concluding his speech. He looked up to thunderous applause.

He felt a sense of pride.

When he boarded Air Force One that night to fly to Dublin, he phoned Jackie. “Hiya Kid.”

“Bunny,” She giggled.


“You were amazing, Ich bin ein Berliner.” She said imitating his accent.

“Is that what I sounded like?” He laughed.


Jack smiled. “How’s baby Kennedy?”

“Beginning to kick.”


“I’m sure it’ll still be kicking when you get back. Caroline was mesmerised. She was really concerned.”

Jack smiled. “I’ll talk to you soon.”

“Ok, night Jack.”


He hung up and fell asleep.

Germany was great but it really highlighted the tensions between the east and west. I’ll never forget the reaction to the speech, it was amazing. I miss Jackie and the baby but I’ll be home soon.

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