Chapter 5

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Palm Beach is very warm; it’s doing great for my back. Caroline and John seem to be enjoying themselves, and they especially liked their Christmas presents. I loved the new copy of Camelot Jackie got me, it’s been playing all day. It’s driving Bobby mad.

Tuesday 25th December 1962

Jack was sitting on the stair case of his parent’s house trying to keep out of the festivities. In all honesty his back was aching and he wasn’t in the mood for Bobby. “Bunny?” Jackie asked softly.

He looked up to see her coming down the stairs. “Hey, I thought you were in the kitchen.”

She shrugged. “I wasn’t feeling too good.” She said sitting down beside him. Jack put his arm around her as she rested her head on his neck. He smiled. “Do you feel okay now?”

A smile spread across as she looked into Jack’s greenish eyes. “Well….”

Jackie?” He asked curiously.

She moved her lips to his ear. “I’m pregnant,”

He smiled broadly and turned and kissed her deeply. “Oh…God…Jack.” She exclaimed.

They were alone in the moment when they heard someone clear their throat. When they looked up Ted was standing. “Up to something are we?”

Jack blushed. “Eh….”

Ted laughed. “Dinner’s ready.”

He nodded. “We’ll be right there.” He said smiling at Jackie. He was elated.

“I love you Bunny.” She whispered.

“I love you too; this is the proof of how much I love you.” He whispered placing his hand on her stomach. “And it’s our little secret for now.”

She blushed and kissed him. “Yes.”

Over dinner they kept smiling at each other. Everyone knew something was up but no one could put their finger on it.

Today was brilliant; we’re going to have a baby! This baby proves to both of us how much we love each other. I’m so happy. My children make me happy; to have another one is just the best thing ever. I’m thinking the name Patrick but I’ll discuss it with Jackie nearer her due date but for now it’s all about keeping it a secret.

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