Chapter 9

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John F Kennedy Jr’s Apartment


“Caroline and I were messy?!” John exclaimed. “We were not!”

He looked up and suddenly realised that he was talking to himself. He rubbed his head in utter shock, he never realised just how close and intimate his parents had been. He supposed that growing up with the rumours of his constant womanising and mistreating of Jackie that he believed some of it.

Yet, when they’d conceived Patrick, they were so happy and loving. John felt a sense of pride; he knew his mother and father truly did love each other.

He was sitting in shock when his phone rang. He glanced at the clock and wondered who was phoning at this hour. “Hello?”

“Mr. Kennedy.” It was the door watchman.

“Yes, Norman?”

“You’re lights are still on, are you okay?”

John ruffled his hair. Caroline had told him to keep an eye on him since Jackie died. “I’m fine Norman, thank you; I’m just doing some night time reading.”

“Ok, Sir. Goodnight.” Norman replied.

“Goodnight.” John hung up and made some toast. He went back to the diary. He felt he was getting to know his Dad.

He noticed at the back of the diary there was a newspaper clipping. It was from the 23rd November 1963, it smelt of Chanel No. 5. It was a “Kennedy Assassinated” paper. Jackie must have put it there, John thought. He suddenly dived to his desk and found the paper that had his mother’s death on the front. He cut it out and put it beside his fathers. They were together again. He smiled at that thought.

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