23. Trapped

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"As long as we know we're trapped, we still have a chance to escape."― Sara Grant

She was bound and gagged. There was pain, and chaos but not inside her. She didn't feel the pain touch her soul, despite her worst nightmare coming true in front of her eyes there was no chaos inside. She was feeling everything from outside like her body was feeling the pain but inside she was numb to the core.

She wasn't afraid, she was calm and she felt like this might be her last moments utterly at peace. She wanted to close her eyes and fall into the darkness. Darkness, the darkness reminded her of those obsidian eyes. She ought to fall in this pit she might find those eyes again, those eyes that made her brave, those lips that made her feel loved.

How she wished for her last moment to be in his arms. She wished she could have one more magical dance with him or simply a last glimpse and she will happily leave this world.

The carriage jolted bringing her soul back into her body and she cried out in pain. The leering and mocking laughter, the disgusted touches, she could feel everything now. Soon, she was being dragged her senses haywire, the fear freezing her making her unable to comprehend her surroundings. She couldn't make out the voices, she couldn't understand anything. She felt a nasty breath near her neck, a voice that ran shiver up her spine, the words that will fill her life with nightmares, "I will come for you."

The fear gripped her so fiercely she didn't remember what happened next. When she woke up she was on a soft bed, looking up at the decorated ceiling with numerous stars. She wondered if they glowed in the dark. Her hand was bandaged, her face was feeling a slow burn, the pain in her back and legs became noticeable as she came back to her spirits.

Where was she! There was no one around. She tried sitting up in the bed with the support of one hand, the water bowl on the table fell with a loud clang due to her movements. There was a shuffling outside the door, she waited with bated breath.

After what felt like aeons, a young girl barely fifteen entered the room with a tray of food. She helped Hannah sit up and placed the tray on her lap without looking into her eyes or muttering a single word.

"Where am I?" Hannah asked the girl softly.

"Eat," She answered monotonously and sat in the furthest corner.

"Please, tell me where I am!" Hannah pleaded once more but her pleas fell on deaf ears. Defeated she quietly ate the broth and bread.

The girl cleared the tray and began working on changing the bandages and applying salve on her injuries.

"What is your name?" Hannah asked trying to get the girl talking and again she was met with dead silence.

"My name is Hannah," She said offering a smile and waited for the reply. She felt like she was talking to a stone statue.

"The broth was good, thank you," She tried again.

"Don't talk," The girl spoke when Hannah opened her mouth to speak again.

"Why not?" Hannah asked curiously.

"I will be punished, I can't talk, be silent," The girl whispered very softly while applying salve to her face.

Hannah kept her mouth shut after that. She looked around the room, it was clean and minimally decorated. There was no window and she noticed there was no bolt on the door from inside. She was in a box, she started to feel suffocated.

"Drink," The girl said bringing the liquid to her nose.

"What is it?" Hannah asked suspiciously.

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