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The Little Snake

Dinner was quiet and peaceful, and they all headed to their rooms. Lucy and Erza were in a room, Gray and Natsu, Gildarts and Laxus, and Makarov by himself. 

While Gray and Natsu were arguing, Gildarts, Laxus, and Makarov were relaxing. The other two members were just talking. 

"Ne, Erza." Lucy lie down on bed. 

"Hm?" Erza turned her head to Lucy. 

"What do you think of Rin so far?" Lucy asked, in curiosity. 

Erza was thinking, making the room quiet. 

"From hearing everything so far, I feel bad." Erza answered. 

Lucy nodded, in agreement. 

"However." Erza added, grabbing her attention. 

"Killing others are unacceptable. There are different ways you can handle a person, no matter how messed up they are." Erza explained. 

Lucy smiled weakly, "She has her own reasons, you know?" 

This got Erza attention, "What do you mean?" 

She looked up at the ceiling, "Rin may be cold to others, but she saved me once." 

Erza got up, sitting on the bed, "What do you mean, save you?" 

Lucy turned her head to Erza again, "One of the servants in the Castiello family was actually messed up." 

"Her name was Maria, she hated nobles and was a two face. In front of adults who were noble, she would bow. To kids that were noble, she would ignore them or cuss us out." 

"Because Maria was a servant in the Castiello household, nobody said anything for some reason. Until, Maria almost pushed me off the balcony." 

Erza eyes widened, "Why would she do that?" 

Lucy shaked her head, "I don't know that much, but Maria tried to push me off the balcony. Saying how even if I died, everyone would think I fell off by myself." 

Lucy laughed weakly, "It would make sense though, because the wind was quite strong. But before she pushed me off, Rin-" 

Lucy closed her eyes, "I think she used her magic, because Maria was kneeling down, holding onto her chest. Blood gushing out of her mouth, and not being able to breathe. After few seconds has passed, she passed out." 

Erza looked down, "Meaning, death." 

Lucy nodded, "I am still thankful till this day. Even though she killed the servant with no emotions, she still saved me." 

Lucy held onto Erza hands, "So you see, I'm pretty sure she has her own reasons on killing." 

Erza nodded, "But, what if she doesn't have any reasons." 

Lucy closed her eyes, still holding onto her hands, "Nobody kills in joy, unless she has turned 100% evil." 

After Lucy and Erza had their talk, they decided to sleep. After all, it was exactly 12:00 a.m. Every Fairy Tail members were now in deep slumber, while Len and Rin are still awake. 

Rin headed downstairs to work on her books, while Len was walking down the halls to make sure everything was neat. 

*Kind of reminds me of Sebastian* - Author

Natsu & Gray room

While the two guys were snoring, the dark room lit up with red eyes. Not only one, but tons of red eyes were seen.  



The snakes were singing, making Gray and Natsu make a disturbed face expression, as if they are having a nightmare. 

Back to normal 

Not only were those two guys were disturbed, the other Fairy Tail members were experiencing the same thing. Erza, Laxus, Gildarts, and Makarov were the ones who woke up. 

They saw red eyes in their room, hearing a snake hiss. They got in a fighting stance, until,

"Ryu!" Len shouted, in annoyance. 

The red eyes disappeared, and now everyone is awake. Coming out of their rooms, they were all confused. 

"What were you thinking?" Len looked down at the black snake. 

The members were watching, and the black snake slowly turned into a little boy. Ryu, he had black hair, red eyes, and was around 7 years old. 

"What's going on?" Lucy asked. 

Erza still had her sword, "I woke up to see snakes, staring at us." 

"I just had a nightmare." Gray scratched his head, still not fully awake. 

"Same." Natsu groaned. 

"Apologize." Len told Ryu. 

Ryu shaked his head, "I don't take orders from you." 

"Did you get ordered to attack us or something?" Laxus questioned, pissed that he got woken up. 

Ryu shaked his head again, and everyone heard the heels clinking on the floor. Rin was heading upstairs.

"What is going on?" Rin crossed her arms. 

Ryu hid behind Len, "All of us experienced a nightmare and woke up to see snakes." Makarov explained shortly. 

"Snakes?" Rin looked around, finding Ryu. 

Rin sighed, "Ryu, why did you do that?" 

Ryu was quiet, "Apologize." Rin looked down at the boy. 

Ryu shaked his head, making Rin a little bit annoyed. Before she can say anything, Ryu spoke, 

"I was just doing you a favor." Ryu finally spoke. 

Gildarts walked over to Ryu, "What favor?" 

Ryu glared at Gildarts and the rest, "She's just going to be in more pain with you guys here." 

They were all confused, and the little boy looked back at Rin. 

"You don't need others, you only need me and Len." Ryu pouted angrily. 

Rin smiled a bit, "I know, I only need you and Len in my life. And that won't change." 

Gildarts was hurt, he wanted her to open up to him. 

"Wait, what do you mean she's going to be in pain?" Natsu asked. 

"Yeah, we didn't hurt her and never will." Gray added. 

Ryu glared at them, "The more she opens up to someone, the more pain she's going to suffer from the witch." 

The members were all quiet, thinking about what he had just said. But, Rin had broken the silence. 

"Go back to your rooms, it's late." Rin held Ryu hands, about to walk downstairs. 

"What about you?" Gildarts asked, still hurt about what had just happened. 

"I have a book to write." Rin simply answered, leaving the members alone. 

'How can I forget that? I cannot let anyone in anymore.' 

Rin looked down at Ryu, who just smiles. 

Rin smiled back, 

'I only need Len & Ryu in my life.' 

Author Note

Some of you guys are impatient, and want Gildarts & Rin to be together. But, it's going to take awhile. 

It's kind of like, her slowly opening up, while a certain blonde or pinkie takes a liking to her. 

So, please be patient! 

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